
Saturday, June 30, 2018

So Sorry

I'm sharing a sympathy card I made today.  I always like to have sympathy cards on hand so I have them at a moments notice and can get them off to the person who has suffered a loss as soon as possible. 

To create the background, I pounced a watercolor paper panel into 3 Distress Inks I had rubbed onto my craft mat and spritzed with water - first Tea Dye, then a little bit of Worn Lipstick, and then Vintage Photo. Drying between each color - until I had the look I wanted.

I die cut the wild flowers and sponged over the white ones with Vintage Photo Ink. I added black splatter with a brush full of watery black water color paint and stamped the sentiment along the bottom.

 My card design was inspired by the Inspiration Challenge over at Splitcoaststampers.  We were to look atthe Serengeti Fashions catalog for inspiration and this tunic caught my eye.
I'm also linking my card to:
Stamps: Ways to Say: With Sympathy - PTI
Paper: Watercolor paper - Canson, True Black, White, Honey Nut - PTI
Ink: Ranger Distress Inks Tea Dye, Worn Lipstick, Vintage Photo, True Black - PTI 
Accessories: Wild Flower Dies - Tim Holtz/Sizzix, black water paint, brush, water, Tombow Glue


  1. beautiful DOX background for your flowers. I always love simple layouts and colour for sympathy cards.

  2. Love that gorgeous watercoloured and splattered background Julia. The colours are perfect for a sympathy card. Like the mix of white and black silhouettes. xx

  3. Beautiful muted colours - perfect for a sympathy card. Great use of the wildflowers dies for the focal images.

  4. the gorgeous colors and the beautiful wild flowers.

  5. This is a lovely splashed and splattered background, Julia! I love the pop of the black flower among the white! Always good to have sympathy cards in our stash!

  6. The background is beautiful and I love the simplicity of your decoration. It is a good idea to have some of these made up, as you say... Hugs, Anne xx

  7. The background of your card is fabulous Julia....Love the colour combination, the pop of the 'lipstick' pink is perfect and the splats are great. The die cuts set off your card beautifully x Your card is so 'right' for the occasion x.

  8. Beautiful background! I love that shirt too actually! LOL Thanks for joining in at JUGS.

  9. I can totally see how the correlation between the background you made and the shirt! This is a lovely sympathy card. Thanks for sharing your talents with us at Just Us Girls!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia