
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Friends of Waltzingmouse Blog Waltz - Christmas Theme

Welcome to the Friends of Waltzingmouse Blog Waltz - it all starts in the playroom of the WMS forum - you can find all the details here. We hope you'll come join us! This month the theme is Christmas!
My card is clean and simple - I embossed the Nestability square right on the card stock. I stamped my tree (Teeny Trees) in black ink, then stamped the garland of stars in Versamark Ink and embossed it with gold embossing powder. I adhered the stamped panel inside the frame using foam dimensionals.

Then I stamped the sentiment and DONE! An easy design to make multiples of quickly - perfect for this busy time of year when we want to make our own cards but don't have tons of time.

You can see how I embossed the frame on this post here.

There's a contest going on during the waltz - and there could be hidden clue(s) on my picture - count them up and enter your total over in the playroom. A random correct guess will win a prize!

As you are reading this - I am actually in the hospital - hopefully done with my surgery (scheduled for 7:30 am EST) and already on the mend in my hospital room. I hope to be home tomorrow or the next day and back at my computer so I can belatedly do the Blog Waltz and see all the wonderful Christmas Inspiration from you all! I'll be home recovering for about 6 weeks - no heavy lifting - but stamps aren't heavy - right???!!!

I'd appreciate your prayers today.

Stamps: Waltzingmouse - Teeny Trees
Paper: White, Simply Chartreuse - PTI
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Versamark
Accessories: gold embossing powder, hot gun, square Nestabilities, foam dimensionals.


  1. Very pretty CAS card Julia! I always love the way your embossed detail!

  2. Love your clean design! Thanks for the embossed frame tutorial; can't wait to try this. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  3. So pretty. I really love how you made the frame for that pretty image.
    I hope you are feeling as good as you can! And stamps aren't heavy!

  4. This is so fresh and clean and yet so Christmassy!

  5. Augh - I've just gone back and read right through your entry...sorry to hear you are in hospital, but when we need 'fixed' there's only one place to go! Take care and heal well.

  6. Hugs on your surgery and hopefully quick recovery. The card is perfect CAS! Just sings off the page.

  7. Awesome Julia. What a wonderful Christmas card this is. That embossing is just the right touch to highlight this image. Great job.

  8. Julia that tree is SO sweet with the embossed gold swirl of really steals the show with your sleek CAS it!

  9. Good morning
    What a beautiful Christmas card.
    Hugs Carla

  10. Lovely and fresh, a nice and simply christmassy card! Hope you feel better soon and take it easy! xx

  11. I love this frame technique and learned it from your tut. Gorgeous card!

  12. Lovely card, I especially love the embossing to create a nice frame. Thanks for sharing. Robyn

  13. Hey Sweetie, hoping to hear soon that you are healing quickly and comfortably! I'm so glad I popped in to see what you were up to, I wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to say a prayer for my BFF!!! Take good care. I love the gorgeous framed card you made for today's post!! Will be casing soon and link back to yours!! Such a great design for the Holidays!! Hugs to you Julia!!

  14. Oh love the embossed detail! :) Hope your surgery goes well and here's hoping for a quick recovery! :)

  15. Gorgeous CAS design!! Loving the embossed frame!! :) HUGS

  16. Wonderful Holiday card Julie.. :)

  17. Very pretty card! I love the embossed frame detail.

  18. love the way you framed the sweet little tree. a truely beautiful CAS card indeed

  19. I hope you're home and on the mend! Cute card, too!!

  20. I just tried this technique using the Spellbinders nestabilities...I do not know if I got the "how to" from you or not...but it worked and this card you made is simple and elegant because of it!!!

  21. What a gorgeous card Julia.

    Hugs Riet.x

  22. This is so SWEET! I love the simplicity of it allowing the stamps to take center stage.
    I really need to use your instructions to try out the embossing. You always get such a great effect.
    Hope you're doing well and that you're recovery speedy.

  23. Oh Julia! I hope when you read these comments you are mending very well! Thoughts, prayers and hugs to you! I love your card - the central embossing is beautiful - and that tree image has really stolen my heart away! (P.S. Pretty watermarks too ;0) Hee!

  24. Love the embossed frame and that teeny trees set is one of my favourites.

  25. This is sooo pretty! I love the colors and the tree! And the pretty embossed frame, very very nice!
    Hugs, Wendy

  26. Julia

    The card is delightful. Best wishes for a quick recuperation and you will be in my prayers!

  27. Sweet CAS card Julia! Love how you embossed right on the base layer.

    Hoping you have a speedy recovery and sending you some sunshine!

  28. this is stunning i love the c&s cards xx

  29. Gorgeous CAS design! Prayers as you recover!!! Hope you're home soon and feeling great!!!

  30. I love the embossed master that so well and thanks for the link! I need to practice this technique!

  31. Lovely card Julia! Love the green punch of color.

    Hope all went well today and you are on the road to recovery. You will be in my thoughts. Take care.

  32. This design is so clean, I love the way you have used the square.... and gold on the tree.

    Thnaks for sharing!

  33. Hope all goes well today and that you feel well very soon..take care.
    Hugs holly.

  34. Gorgeous CAS card Julia, and I just love the embossing :)

  35. Neat card-like the embossing. Hope you have a quick and full recovery.

  36. Julia, this is stunning in its elegant simplicity!

  37. How beautiful!!!!!! I love the gold embossed garland.

  38. This is beautiful, Julia...I love how you did the embossing in the center...sooo pretty and CAS-a-licious!!!! Hope all is going are in my prayers!!!!

  39. love this card julia-I have never tried the embossed frame-sending prayers your way for a speedy recovery

  40. the frame is so well done that it lets the card speak for itself. i absolutely love how you give CAS that little extra without taking the clean or the simple away.

  41. Hope you are recovering well. Will ahve to investigate these Teeny Trees & that garland which is delightful - am new to WMS but finding so much of interest.
    Paula (PEP)

  42. Came by earlier and Blogger was not playing well at all!
    Hidden clues...counting
    Card...simply clean and awesome!!!!
    OUCH...does it hurt and need a band aid?

  43. Julia, this is wonderful! This is one of the sets I have on my most want to waltz with wishlist! LOL! Beautiful!

  44. So pretty, Julia! Love the embossed framing and all the white! Just learned about your surgery. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Hugs!

  45. Pretty card! I love the embossed border. Thanks for sharing the tutorial!

  46. Very nice card: I might have to case it for christmas!
    Hope you recover quickly!!

  47. Thank you! Useful ... ..(-___________-)

  48. Wow! I love this
    I'm late to the blog hop but I'm hopping along now

  49. simply beautiful! love the CAS design!

  50. This card is absolutely gorgeous! Love the embossing, the image, the colors,...I love the entire card!

  51. I'm really late to the Waltz - but still having fun looking at the lovely cards. This is such a lovely card - clean, simple and elegant!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia