
Friday, April 30, 2010

WMS Sneak Peek Day 4 - Afternoon Tea

If you visit my blog often - you know that I am all about the paper crafts and templates - so today I'm very excited to share wth you how I used Claire's Rubber Band Box Template from her April release to showcase two new sets being released tomorrow! - Afternoon Tea and Vintage Labels 10.

This is the larger template. The sentiment is from Afternoon Tea and the label stamp is from Vintage Labels 10 which conveniently fits inside the Nestabilities of the same name!

Here's a view of the open box with the Stella Dora Egg Jumbo cookies tucked inside. You can actually get three or four of these cookies into this box when you lay them down.

I also made the smaller box in this template set. It is a perfect size for teabags. Claire's design is so precise - this template works up in just minutes

I used a different Vintage Labels 10 stamp for the framing. The sentiment and scrolls are from the Afternoon Tea set. I sponged all the edges with Tea Dye Distress Ink.
Here's a peek inside this box. You could fit 4-5 tea bags inside. Wouldn't this be a great set to bring a girlfriend when you drop over to visit??!!

Thought you might like to see how I made my little rose flower. I used handmade Mulberry paper (not hand made by me! - I bought it many years ago probably at AC Moore)

First you draw a swirl as shown - cut it out and roll it up starting from the outside end. It will be pretty tight so I place it on my work table and tap the top a littlewith my finger tip so it opens up just a bit.

Then I dab some Scotch Quick Dry Adhesive on the bottom and push it onto the center of the scroll that sort of makes a platform for the flower. This works up in just minutes and they look so cute don't you think?! The leaves were made with mulberry paper also - I just cut a leaf shape, sponged it with Tea Dye Distres ink, creased it down the middle than attached it under the rose. You can use any kind of paper for these and make them any size - I started with a 2"x2" square.

Now it's time to check out the other WMS DT Ladies to see what inspiring Sneak Peeks they have to show us!

Bonnie, Lisa, Jennifer, Anya, Laurie and Claire.

And tomorrow is the day we've all been waiting for! Claire will be releasing the 8 wonderful stamp sets we've been previewing this week. All the DT ladies will be participating in a blog waltz and you will have the chance to win a stamp set so be sure to come by and check it out! It starts at 2 pm EST

And there's still time to get in on Claire's Sketch Challenge!

ETA: and my flowers today just happen to fit Sharon's No Time to Stamp challenge today - to use 3D flowers for May!

Stamps: Waltzingmouse - Afternoon Tea, Vintage Labels 10 (available May 1)

Paper: White, Ripe Avocado, Aqua Mist - PTI, DP Jillibeen Old World Cabbate Stew, Handmade Mulberry Paper - AC Moore

Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Ranger Distress Ink Tea Dye, Aqua Mist - PTI

Accessories: Waltzingmouse Rubber Band Box Template, sponge, scor pal, scor tape, round elastic cord - Dritz (Joanne's), cropadile, labels 10 nestabilities, cuttlebug, silver eyelets, 2 buttons.


  1. FAB fab fab use of the roll top box.. just gorgeous! Thanks for the mulberry rose tut too!
    Angela xxx

  2. Fantastic job on both 3D projects and I love love love the lables 10 stamp set, that one is definitely coming to my place!

  3. OOOOOO Julia LOVIN these projects, you are always soooo creative girl and full of inspiration!! Thanks sweetie!! LOVE THESE~!

  4. Love these projects, especially the tea package!

  5. Julia, these are awesome!! I love all the little details that you included and also the mini-tutorial. I would certainly love to receive these!! ;)

  6. Fabulous project ideas!! What a wonderful gift these will make. I really love the sweet little roses, thanks for the how to!

  7. Oh my goodness, these boxes are to die for! I LOVE each and every one of them!!!! LOVE your little 3D flower -- totally precious!!! Thanks so much for sharing the link with the Stamp Simply Challenge this week!

  8. Just fabulous, Julia ... LOVE your gorgeous handmade flower!

    Thanks for joining us in this week's "Stamp Simply" 3D flower challenge!

    Have a great weekend, Kiddo!

  9. I love these boxes, but that rose you made just knocks me out!!! I'll be trying that for roses for Mom's cards for Mother's Day. By the way, she LOVES your cards. You are so sweet to send them to her!!

  10. These are just fabulous Julia!!

  11. Oh, how clever of you, Julia! These are terrific projects! What great ideas you have been sharing with us!

  12. Thanks for sharing the process for making the rose...want to try that sometime! Both boxes are gorgeous and would be so useful for so many different kinds of gifts! Labels Ten Nesties are one of my fave, so I really must check out these new stamps!

  13. My goodness Julia ~ Love these are enabling me...your work is just fabulous!!

  14. Julia, this is so very nice.. I love the box and the rose and the how to... will look up these stamps... as this is a favorite of mine... love this template too..
    Thanks friend... love the colors you used on this ... great project

  15. Oh my!!! What charming little boxes Julia!! And your paper rose is sweet and gorgeous!!

  16. Julia, these are AMAZING! LOVE these boxes that you are SO awesome at, and I ADORE the paper rose too!

  17. these are such great projects ju;ia-I really like the smaller one with the teabags-thanks so much for sharing how to make the flowers-creative

  18. LOL!! these are just fab Julia, and that wee rose!! eek!! thank you!

  19. Beautiful Julia! Love both these rubber band projects - Your flower tutorial is great!

  20. Julia you kill me!! I love that little rosette, thanks for sharing the how-to!! And that template, so unique, useful and fun!! I just love Claire's templates!! Wonderful projects GF - as always!! Hugs!!

  21. I don't know if I would have the patience for your roses, but they look beautiful - thanks for the tutorial!

  22. Cute lil' teabag template! Thanks for the rose tutorial!

  23. What beautiful projects, Julia...perfect for a little gift for someone special!!!! I love the new stamps and the rubberband boxes are wonderful!!! Thanks for the tutorial on the roses...I'll have to give then a try!!!!

  24. Fabulous projects Julia! Love the mulberry flowers!

  25. just wondering where to get the files for the box? i know it's old but it was sent as a 'pin' to me by a friend to look at.

  26. I wonder the same as David Larson, where is the template? I would live to make a little tebag holder for one of my friends but I could not find the template in the link you posted!

  27. I am with AmyOfSweden and David Larson? Your adorable set came up from a Pinterest search for Tea Gifts....hoping to make some lovely items for my dear co-workers. Please share where I can find? Thank you! Yours are so very pretty!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia