
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

A Canvas to Our Imagination

 I've been playing on line with some stamping friends trying out a fun technique called Black Magic.  

Betsy Veldman has a tutorial on it on YouTube.  Basically, you start with piece of black mixed media paper or black watercolor paper.  Pick out a stamp that is an outline stamp.  I used a Crackle background stamp.  Stamp the image with Versamark onto the black paper and emboss it in gold.  Then you color inside the embossed lines using pearlescent water color paints.   When the paint is dry, you can add white splatter and white dots - I didn't do that step on today's card. 

I'm linking my card to :  


Here is another card I made using this technique:

Mosaic card
Stamps: Crackle Stamp - Impression Obsession, Clearly Sentimental About Art - MFT (retired)
Paper: Black Mixed Media - Strathmore, white card base - PTI
Ink: Versamark
Accessories: Gold Embossing Powder - Ranger, heat tool, Pearlescent Water Color Paints - Yasutomo.

Boat card
Stamps: Liberty (boat), Forest Hares, Bell Flower Vine - Lavinia
Paper: Black Mixed Media paper - Strathmore
Ink: Versamark
Accessories: Gold Embossing Powder, Heat Tool, Yasutomo Pearlescent Water colors, water, brush, White POSCA Pen, Ebony Black and Simply White Nuvo Drops


  1. This card is so different and special, what an awesome technique and style! Thanks for joining our challenge at Inkspirational.

  2. Wow, Julia - so unusual and interesting! Love the quote too!!

  3. What beautiful colours, Julia! A fabulous background for that great sentiment. I'm just making my cards from our zoom get together today. I did splatter mine and I really like my final results.

  4. I love your crackle background- wonderful colours. I'm hoping to get mine posted next week :)

  5. This stamp works beautifully for this technique, Julia! It allows for lots of that shimmery watercolor! A beautiful example!

  6. I love what you did with the technique, Sis! And having done it, I know first-hand just how beautiful it is in real life! Great sentiment choice! Hugs, Darnell

  7. Oh my gosh ... I missed this completely. This is so cool. I LOVE how you've used this technique Julia!! xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia