
Friday, December 10, 2021

12 Tags of Christmas - #9

 We're getting closer to 12 tags!  Today I have Tag #9 for Ellen Hutson's 12 Tags of Christmas Challenge.  The theme song for this tag is Deck the Halls!

For this tag, I pulled out a small stamp and die set called Corner Adorner - October that I got from Papertrey Ink probably 5 or more years ago?  They had a new 'corner adorner' design every month.  And I have NEVER used most of them - yet (!) 
Today I'm using the October one which fit the challenge perfectly with its adornments and sentiment!  (they still have this stamp set at PTI and it's on sale for $3! and the dies are $8) 
The background of my Tag Sale #3 tag is a beautiful piece of patterned woodgrain from a 6x6 paper pad called Wood Textures from Craft Consortium - it has gorgeous woodgrains in several different colors!   I added drops of Nuvo Red Berry to the greenery and looped a piece of blue/white bakers twine through the top.
I love doing challenges that get me to use my 'stuff'!   
You'll find the 12 Tags of Christmas challenges here.

Stamps:  Corner Adorner - October - PTI
Paper:  White - PTI, DP Wood Textures - Craft Consortium
Ink:  True Black, Blueberry Sky, Simply Chartreuse - PTI
Accessories:  Corner Adorner October dies and Tag Sale #3 - PTI, foam dots, Nuvo Crystal Drops Gloss Red Berry.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia