
Saturday, May 2, 2020

May CAS Watercolour Card Challenge - Night Sky

Hello everyone and welcome to May.
I hope you are all managing ok through this Coronavirus Crisis.
I know crafting has helped me cope with staying at home.  I can spend a whole day working in my craft room.
And now there's a new Watercolour CAS Card challenge up on the blog.   Jenny is our creative hostess this month and she would like us to watercolor the Night Sky!
I water colored a dark night sky behind a cityscape die cut layered over the sky with foam dots.  I embossed the HOPE in silver as well as the rest of the sentiment below the image. I layered the panel to a slightly larger panel of metallic silver card.
One photo of my process.  I just purchased the Boku-Undo Shadow Black watercolor paints (thank's for the enabling Nancy!)  I used the Bluish Black on the top of the panel and the Purplish Black along the bottom.  I started by brushing water over the watercolor panel and then brushed on the inks.
The card echos the worlds' feelings as we hope for the lessening of the Coronavirus spread and the return of being able to gather with others.
So please join us this month.  You'll find more inspiration from the Design Team as well as our talented Guest DT Tina - over at CAS Watercolour.
We can't wait to see your CAS watercolored night skies!

I'm also  linking my card to:
The Library Challenge
The main character spent a lot of dark and scary nights trying to figure everything out - but always hoped she would find the answer and her own self worth.

Stamps:Guiding Lights - PTI
Paper:  White,  True Black - PTI, watercolor paper - Canson, Kraft Metallics Silver - Tim Holtz/Idea-ology.
Ink:  Versamark
Accessories:  Silver Embossing Powder, City Scape Dies - Impression Obsession,  Bluish Black and Purplish Black Boku-Undo Shadow Black Water color paints, foam dots, water, paintbrush.


  1. I should have known they were shadow black paints, they have such a distinct look. I might have to pull mine out for this challenge. Love the die cut city scape in black and that perfect sentiment :)

  2. Your card is so perfect for these times, Julia! I love how the hope shines out from the darkness! Awesome layering of those black paints!

  3. Very dramatic - who knew there were so many shades of black? I love how you've interpreted the book and this is a fabulous creation. Thanks for joining The Library.

  4. oooww a dark stormy night - I see, great watercolouring with your paints Julia, and super cool to use the city skyline die cut.. and I love the sentiment.. we all need it at the moment don't we.... hugs and stay safe Robyn

  5. This black shadow inks make the most amazing night sky. I love the drama! Perfect with the cityscape die-cut from black. The silver framing and embossed sentiments adds a beautiful contrast. Great work Julia! xx

  6. Love your stormy night sky - so stmospheric! The skyline makes me think of New York - so your sentiment is perfect.

  7. Whoa! Very dramatic night sky, but with that sentiment shining through, it gives us hope in this strange time.

  8. What an incredibly BEAUTIFUL card Julia and yes, sooo perfect for these times! I had never heard of those black paints but think I might NEED to go check those out...and the enabling goes on and on and on... Lovely, lovely card Julia!! :0)

  9. Wow, you created a wonderful night sky with Shadow Black Ink, Julia! I bought the ink set (thanks for the enabling Nancy!) a while ago but I haven't used them yet. The sky is simply perfect for the cityscape and so is the sentiment for this challenging time. Thank you for your inspiration!
    Hideko xx

  10. So atmospheric and a wonderful sentiment! Now you've enabled me:)

  11. Stunning card with a unique and atmospheric night sky. I so love this card of Hope Julia x.

  12. I have heard of these inks before but have not seen them used. You have created a wonderful card with them and the cityscape die is the perfect choice.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia