
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

June CAS Stencil Card Challenge - Perfect Pearls

The June CAS Stencil Card Challenge is posted today and our creative Host this month is Linda!  She would like us to use Perfect Pearls with our stencils.  
I was so excited to see this challenge as I have had Perfect Pearls in my craftroom for years (!) and have hardly used them!  So thank you Linda!
There are a couple of technique videos over at the challenge which I've posted here to give you some ideas if needed.
Stenciling with Perfect Pearls by Dyan Reavley (4:31)
Quick Tip - Perfect Pearls by Kristina for SSS (3:57)
I used a beautiful woman's face stencil (Stenciled Women by Dina Wakley).  There are two faces on the stencil but I just used this one.  It's a large one and would have filled the whole panel so to help make it CAS, I moved the stencil down and off the right and bottom edges.  
I sponged Versamark over the stencil by pouncing rather than any circular motion.  I removed the stencil and then brushed 3 different colors of Perfect Pearls over the panel using a different brush for each so as to not contaminate the colors too much!  Then I pounced over the colors with a soft brush (that came with my Perfect Pearls) as per one of the videos, to be sure the powder is pressed into the Versamark.  Then I brushed over the whole panel with a clean brush to remove the extra powder.
 Some of the powder seamed to have slightly colored some of the white (I tried both Papertrey Ink white and Bristol Smooth shown here and the result was the same), so I brushed off as much as I could and then let it be.  Then I misted the panel slightly with water to seal it (also as per the video!)
The image is very shimmery when you hold it in the light but does not really show up in the photo.
I layered the white panel to a slightly larger black panel and then to a white card base.  The sentiment is from Typed Sentiments by Neat and Tangled.
 So we hope you will get out those Perfect Pearls tucked away in your craft room and try them out with your stencils!  
The challenge is open until May 24th.  Here's the link to the challenge where you will find lots of inspiration from the rest of the Design Team as well as our talented guest designer this month:
Chrissie (Simply One of a Kind)

I'm also linking my card to:

Stamps:  Typed Sentiments - Neat and Tangled
Paper:  Bristol Smooth Surface, True Black, White - PTI
Ink:  Versamark, True Black - PTI
Accessories:  Stenciled Women Stencil - Dina Wakley, Perfect Pearls Forever Blue, Forever Red, Forever Green, several soft brushes, water mister.


  1. What a fabulous stencil .... it looks great with the Perfect Pearls. I'm like you, they've been in my stash for years but I hardly ever use them. Hopefully that will change now xx

  2. Great card Julia, amazing stencil and works fabulously with the Perfect Pearls, enjoy your week Robyn

  3. I can't even imagine how you've done this, Julia... even after reading your wonderful instructions! I seem to remember a little pot of purple perfect pearls that was in a very old SSS Kit... hmmm. Where did that get off to? lol Pearl-ex is way out of my league!
    If I didn't know better, I'd think this beauty could be your Mom!

  4. Neat technique, Julia! I'll have to wait until October - my perfect pearls are in Arizona! But I do love seeing something awesome and new with something that I already have!

  5. wow Julia, I would never have thought of using it with that stencil. It looks amazing :)

  6. This is such a cool effect with the Perfect Pearls on that very retro lady! I love the blending of those powders. Thanks for playing along with us at JUGS!

  7. Wonderful card Julia, the image looks fantastic coloured with the perfect perls, this is a fun technique! Cathy x

  8. A really unusual stencil Julia and it looks amazing!

  9. This is pretty amazing Julia! Wow! I love it~

  10. What wonderful details in this face, Julia! I can imagine the shine of the Perfect Pearls!

  11. Awesome stencil and great choices in colours, Julia! This is really beautiful and artsy. I can imagine the shine on this. xx

  12. Such a striking use of the powders and what a fabulous stencil x. Unique and eye catching card x.

  13. Wow...this is simply incredible. What a beautiful card.

  14. Oh, Julia!!! I love the blending of those powders. This is really different and so unique!!! Thanks for playing along with us at JUGS!

  15. Such a cool stencil and you’ve coloured it perfectly with the Perfect Pearls (pun intended). 😉 I know what you mean about straying powders, but I really couldn’t tell. I wonder if using a color pencil eraser would work to remove it (?). xx

  16. Thank you so much Julia for sharing your Perfect Pearls colored elegant face. I always love when you add extra photos too:-) TFS my friend. Hugs...

  17. Very cool stencil, technique, and card, Julia. Fun way to use the PP and the card is amazing. Hugz

  18. The face is beautiful Julia and that is such a great technique. I have some of those PP's stashed away somewhere, like you, have not used them in years! Hugs, Anne xx

  19. What a beautiful and unique stenciled result you achieved with Perfect Pearls, Julia! I love this card! Using blue, red, and green for the woman's face is simply amazing (thinking outside the box) and it totally works.
    Thanks so much for sharing the video links. They're very useful.
    Hideko xx


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia