
Friday, March 22, 2019

Spring Tulips

Well, we can always hope for Spring right?!!   I do have two little crocus' blooming in my front garden and my daffodils are coming up in the sunny spot near my side door!  I also have spring on my card today!  

I hit 4 of the weekly challenges over at Splitcoaststampers with this design  - 
Ways to use it: Something to plant in your garden, 
Free 4 All - use some of your favorite colors,   
Wednesday sketch and 
Mix-Ability Challenge - use tulips, daffodils or pansies with at least 2 mixed media.
I stenciled my background with a FABULOUS stencil from Altenew called Weave Builder - I sponged over the stencil with one color - flipped the stencil over - lined it up with what was already colored and sponged with another color and it actually looks like 3D cubes (do you see them?)!

I put 4 1/2" wide Dotted washi tape from Altenew over a panel then die cut the oval from it. I die cut the tulip, stem and leaves, also from Altenew - Exotic Tulip - then stamped them. The tulip stamp set comes with three layers to stamp and the leaves come with 2 layers - I just used one on my tulip today but I did use 2 layers on the stems.

I put it all together layering a lot of it on foam dots. I white embossed the sentiment from PTI on black. I brushed over the tulip and leaves with Clear Glitter Wink of Stella - which I hope you can see on the close up below?!

I'm also linking my card to:

Stamps:  Exotic Tulip - Altenew, Sentiment Staples: Thinking of You - PTI 
Paper: White, True Black, Lavender Moon - PTI 
Ink:  Purple Wine, Bamboo, Olive, Puffy Heart, Rose Quartz - Altenew, Versamark  
Accessories:  Weave Builder Stencil - Altenew, Exotic Tulip Dies - Altenew, Pierced Feature Frame: Ovals - PTI, white embossing powder, Dotted 4 1/2" wide washi tape - Altenew, foam dots, white embossing powder, Clear Glitter Wink of Stella


  1. What a big, beautiful tulip, Julia! Pink tulips are my favorites.

  2. Gorgeous Spring colors, tulip and layered stenciling, Julia. Spring in all its glory! Spring flowers and blooming trees are blooming beautifully in the southwestern Oregon. Yours will hopefully not be far behind. Hugs..Nancy

  3. Love this big bold tulip and the beautiful pink! The background is so fun! Thanks for joining us at The Flower Challenge!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia