
Monday, February 18, 2019

Mid Month Reminder - Feb CAS Stencil Challenge - Powdered Inks

I'm here today to remind you about the Feb CAS Stencil Challenge - you still have time to enter - the link is open until Feb 24th!
For my card today - I again used Brushos (Lemon) which I sprinkled over my stencil and then spritzed with water.  You'll find links to technique videos over at CAS Stencil if you need some inspiration.

The stencil is Bold Florals from ARTplorations, the sentiment is from Perfect Match by PTI, the hearts were cut with Mix and Mat Hearts Die from PTI.
I cut the stenciled panel in two and made two similar cards. 
The Lemon Brushos has a little bit of red/orange in it so I could use red for the framing and sentiment strip for Valentine's day!

After I did the stenciling -  I turned my wet-with-Brushos stencil over and pressed it onto another panel of watercolor paper, covered it with a piece of computer paper and rubbed over it.  This gave me a negative print of the stencil, shown on the bottom of the photo below.
I used that negative print to make a sympathy card - I used the whole panel since it had a lot of white on it - I feel that it is still CAS. 
 (I think I like the look of the negative stenciling better than the stenciling?!)
So please join us and show us how you use powdered inks with your stencils!  You'll find the challenge info as well as creative inspiration from the Design Team over at the CAS Stencil blog here.

I'm also linking my card to:
I used water and Brushos through and on my stencil for positive and negative prints

I used a new stencil

Stamps:  Perfect Match - PTI, Words of Comfort - PTI
Paper:  Watercolor paper - Canson, white, Pure Poppy, Summer Sunrise  - PTI
Ink:  True Black - PTI
Accessories:  Lemon Brushos, water mister, Bold Florals Stencil - STAMPlorations, Mix & Mat Confetti Die - PTI, foam dots.


  1. Love both the negative and positive images from the Brusho's. The first two cards have produced really beauitufl and crisp CAS cards, love the colour variants and the cute little hearts. The negative card is artsy and unique and absolutely beautiful. Both ways are stunning to me Julia x

  2. Beautiful powdered inks stenciled cards Julia. Love the colours of the yellow brushos that has so much pigment and depth of colour. Looks beautiful with the dark red framing and sentiment banners. I love the hearts for the center of the flowers. Very creative Valentine's Day cards using non-traditional colours. Always great when you can get two cards from one panel.

    Your monoprint is so pretty and makes a great sympathy card. It's fun to get both the positive and negative from stenciling. Both are so different from each other that they don't even look like the same stencil. This is a gorgeous card. xx

  3. Fantastic job on these threefers, Julia. Fantastic attention to detail with the red in the yellow Brushos... and then incorporating it into your design. xx

  4. Great bunch of cards Julia, all so pretty. I love the yellow you chose, makes me think summer which is a good thing with the snow out side :)

  5. Oh wow Julia, your cards are fabulous, lovely cheerful flowers with just the lemon Brushos... great reverse print too

  6. How awesome, Julia to get 3 beautiful stenciled with Brushos CAS Cards out of one play session:-) I love your positive and negative (monoprint) backgrounds and colors. TFS my friend. Hugs..Nancy

  7. Love the way you used both the negative and positive images! All are beautiful cards. Great idea to use the tiny hearts as the centres of the flowers on the first two - such unique Valentines!

  8. Gorgeous twofers Julia, such colourful flowers, I like both the negative and the positive equally and love the diecut hearts as the centre in the valentines card, great idea, Cathy x

  9. Two beautiful sunny cards, Julia. I like both the positive and negative of that lovely stencil.

  10. What sunny, cheerful cards, Julia! Love those gorgeous flowers with the heart centers! I usually like the monoprint piece best, too. I think both of these turned out perfect!

  11. Such beautiful cards here Julia! love your pretty flowers and great design.Thanks for sharing with us over at 'The Flower Challenge' ;) Viv DT xx

  12. I've never used powders before but seeing your cards makes me want to buy some asap!! Both of these cards are fantastic, I especially love the negative print you got, makes a wonderful sympathy design. The panel with the original design is so vibrant and clean, especially with the coloured card peeking around the sides. These are fabulous cards and I'm so glad you shared them with us at The Flower Challenge!!

  13. so pretty and uplifting...I've had enough winter and these sunny cards make me hopeful for sun and warmth to get here soon!!
    xx Karen


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia