
Sunday, May 6, 2018

Hang In There

I was looking through my stencils for a chevron stencil the other day - and although I didn't find it -  I did find this beautiful rainbow stencil from Stencil Girls and knew it would be perfect for the May CAS Watercolor card challenge!
It's a large stencil - so this card is 6"x6" and will probably get hand delivered unless I can find an envelope to fit it in!  I've had the stencil for a while but have not used it yet - so I was glad to get it out!

I laid my stencil over a piece of watercolor paper and then sprinkled (in rainbow color order!) over the stencil with Brushos in Scarlet, Orange, Yellow, Leaf Green, Turquoise and Purple.  Then I spritzed over the stencil with water to activate the colors.  The more you spritz, the more they blend - so I stopped spritzing when I had the look I wanted and carefully removed the stencil.   The stencil is designed with these drippy ends - the perfect look for my watercolor rainbow!

The sentiment is from Ways to Say: Get Well Soon by PTI.  This card would work for someone who is ill or someone going through a rough patch.

I don't use watercolor techniques too often - so I like to try and participate in the CAS Watercolor challenge to inspire me to do it more!  And there's always lots of inspiration from the Design Team!

Also linking to:

Stamps:  Ways to Say: Get Well Soon - PTI
Paper:  Water color paper - Canson, Royal Velvet - PTI.
Ink:  Hero Hues Black
Accessories:  Rainbow stencil - Stencil Girls, Brushos Scarlet, Orange, Yellow, Leaf Green, Turquoise, Purple, water mister.


  1. this card Julia!! And what a perfect stencil you found to use for this challenge! I love the idea too of using your Brusho's to create your rainbow...why did I never think of that?!! Your colors blended so beautifully and I just love the "drippy" ends...absolutely FABULOUS for using water colours!! Thanks so much for sharing this beauty with us at CAS Watercolour!! :0)

  2. so cool, I love that stencil and great watercolouring. Absolutely perfect for the challenge :)

  3. That stencil is so perfect for the rainbow challenge. What a fantastic effect with those brusho's and no bleeding under the stencil...great job x.

  4. What a fun rainbow and great blending of those colors, Julia! Love that stencil that's so perfect for the challenge! Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour!

  5. Oh, I love that stencil, it looks amazing the way you used it - your card is fantastic! Hugs, Anne xx

  6. LOVE your artsy watercoloured rainbow, Julia. What a great results using Brushos through the stencil. Thanks for sharing with us at CAS Watercolour! xx

  7. Great idea to use brushos for your rainbow - love the rich colours and the irregular shapes to the rainbow. Thanks so much for making a card for CAS Watercolour.

  8. I Love your more earthy rainbow colors and really cool rainbow stencil, Julia. The perfect sentiment for your image. TFS and joining us at CAS Watercolour. Hugs

  9. Ooh, lovely - that's a great stencil, and I love your Brusho rainbow colours, muted yet glowing.
    Alison x

  10. Your interpretation of the rainbow is stunning. It's a very beautiful card.
    Thank you for playing with us in Happy Little Watercolor Stampers.
    BożenA DT HLS


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia