
Friday, March 30, 2018

Here Comes Peter Cottontail - Driving Down the Bunny Trail

Yes - I did say 'driving' down the bunny trail!  And it's not just Peter - it's Paula Cottontail too!
I made these with Twinkies, small round cookies and a white chocolate covered pretzel -  
and they just CRACK ME UP!! TOO CUTE, right??!!  
And off they go!  They'll be arriving at my niece's for Easter Dinner on Sunday along with 8 more of their relatives. 
(there are never 'only two' with bunnies right?!)
A tutorial for these came to me in an e-mail last week - which I watched then deleted and now I can't find it but there are lots of variations of them on Pinterest.    

First I bought the supplies - a box of Twinkies, a package of white chocolate covered pretzels, a box of Mini Nilla Wafers (any small round cookie will do), Bunny Little Peeps,  a tube of white cake icing and a knife to cut out the seat area of the Twinkie.
Here are  few photos of my process.
Fill the space with icing
Add the Bunny and pretzel to the seat area
Put icing on the cookies and push onto sides of twinkie.
And that's it!
These will look SO CUTE on the Easter Table on Sunday!


  1. I've seen these on Pinterest, but never thought I could make them look just like the photo! Your friends are adorable, Julia! LOVE THEM!!!

  2. So Cute Julia, and I bet they are yummy :)

  3. They are so adorable - and such a clever idea. Everyone at your Easter dinner will love them!

  4. That looks so cute Julia!
    Happy Easter to you!
    Hugs, Susi

  5. These are the cutest thing EVER! I wish I had seen these earlier, Cassidy and I could have made some!! Pinning for next year! Or maybe I'll make them this week...bunny peeps might be on sale!

  6. Julia when I saw these on Facebook they just made me smile! They are absolutely adorable, so professionally made too - well done you! I hope you are having a lovely Easter weekend. Hugs, Anne xx

  7. These are just so adorable Julia. Bought a smile to my face. Happy Easter. Tracy ❤️

  8. You really look like you had so much fun making these Julia x Too cute to eat....!!!

  9. SUPER CUTE!! Your niece and nephew are going to love these! xx

  10. WOWZA, Julia! These are such fun! Everyone will enjoy these! And you can home and leave the sugar high to their parents! Happy Easter!

  11. OMG...So darn cute, Julia. Your niece and nephew are going to be bouncing off the walls and loving every bite:-) Happy Easter, my friend. Hugs

  12. These are just so durn adorable! Oh, my! How long it's been since I've had a Twinkie! Hugs!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia