
Thursday, June 1, 2017

June A Vintage Journey Challlenge - Canvas

Welcome to June and the newest A Vintage Journey Challenge!  This month Nikki is our hostess and she would like us to work with canvas -  here is the challenge in her own words:

Let's work with canvas this month in our vintage; shabby; mixed media; art journaling, industrial, timeworn or steampunk style. It doesn't matter how as long as some canvas is a dominant feature of your project.  Perhaps you may use a canvas in the traditional way or use the reverse to create a shadow box? Canvas boards are fabulous to work on or perhaps you have some canvas sheets which can be cut and adhered to another surface.

I attended my 11 year old Goddaughter Eden's dance recital last week - and wanted to give her something special to remember the day. 
(she was in 10 of the dances performed, can bend over backwards to the floor from standing, do cartwheels across the floor and do full splits! in other words - she is an AWESOME dancer!)

So I made this little 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" canvas for her along with a little easel to display it on!
I have a few photos to share on how I put this together.  My design evolved as I pulled out things I wanted to use on it.  I thought she would like purple and blue colors - so I sponged Wilted Violet and Broken China DOX inks over the canvas.  I flicked water  with my fingers over the inks and dried with my heat tool.   
I colored the dress, hat and shoes of the Paperdoll dancer with my Weathered Wood Distress Crayon - rubbing it around with my finger. (it's a very subtle blue, you can see it a bit more on the close up below.)
I sponged the edges and a little on the canvas with DOX Vintage Photo - rubbing it also with my finger to blend.  I adhered a strip of Chatter Design Tape along the bottom using Tombow Liquid Glue to be sure it held on the inked surface.  (I later added another silver sparkly strip under this one)
I punched a tiny heart out of blue Kraft-Core Core-dinations paper and sanded it slightly.
I added a strip of lace from my stash across the top, personalized it with Eden's name using Label Letters and added the cut up Small Talk Sentiment.   I colored the skin on the dancer my Spun Sugar Distress Marker.  Both the dancer and heart are up on foam dots - I used glue on these as well to be sure they stuck to the ink.
Here you can see the silver Chatter Design Tape strip - it really sparkles IRL!   I sponged the tiny flowers with  DOX Vintage Photo.
Here is the canvas from the sides - showing how I wrapped the lace and tapes around to the back and you can see how the things pop up on the surface.

And here are some photos of beautiful dancer, Eden, at her recital.
With her mother just before the event in her first costume of the night (she had 5!)
With her older brother, Destin, after the event.
Eden is a beautiful young woman, inside and out
and she loved her special dancer canvas!

So please join us at A Vintage Journey - and link up your project using canvas!  Can't wait to see what you create! 

Our gracious sponsor this month is Shimmerz Paints.  One lucky winner will receive a $25.00 voucher to spend in their store.

I'm also linking my project to:
Mixed Media Monthly - inspired by the colors in #33  Sweet Inspiration

Paper:  Blue Kraft Core Core-dinations
Ink:  Ranger Distress Oxide Wilted Violet, Broken China and Vintage Photo.
Accessories:  2 1/2" x 3 1/2" Canvas - Michaels, Idea-ology Paper Dolls, Design Tape, Small Talk, Label Letters,  Ranger Distress Crayon Weathered Wood, Ranger Distress Marker Spun Sugar, foam dots, Tombow liquid glue, mini sander - Ranger, water, heat tool, Heart punch - McGill, flowers - Prima.


  1. What a fabulous canvas for your gorgeous goddaughter Julia, I have ten and eight year old granddaughters just like her who love their dancing. Your design and the lovely paper doll is perfect for the occasion and must have been a wonderful surprise for Eden and the perfect momento xxx

  2. AW Julia -so kind and thoughtful of you to create a memory of beautiful Eden's (lovely name) dance recital that she can hold close forever. I'm sure she was over the moon with it. Sounds like she is a real dancing star (thanks for taking me back to my gymnastic days with your mention of cartwheels, bending over backwards and splits- happy days) but back to your art - Lovely colours, ideal embellishments and wonderful words all come together to make a beautiful canvas for a beautiful young lady.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend
    hugs x

  3. What a special and talented young lady! A beautiful canvas that I'm sure she'll treasure!

  4. Your god-daughter, Eden will treasure her beautiful one of a kind dancer canvas my friend. Eden is as beautiful as the dancer on your canvas. What a wonderful and thoughtful gift. Thank you for sharing all your photos and description, Julia. That was a gift to us all...Hugs.

  5. Hi Julia, firstly I love your banner on your blog. This is such the perfect gift for your little dancer, I bet she was delighted. I love the delicacy of the backdrop, perfect for the dancer focal image. Beautiful. Have a lovely weekend. Tracy x

  6. This is such a delightful little canvas Julia, what a wonderful tribute to Eden, and what a beautiful girl she is! Love the pretty and fresh colours you used, and may her dreams all come true!

  7. What a fabulous canvas to celebrate Eden's talents Julia! It is beautiful and I bet she was thrilled to bits with it xx

  8. Ah what a beautiful gift for your beautiful and talented Goddaughter. Love the soft tones and elegant design. Great choice of words too xxx

  9. Your canvas is just beautiful Julis x love the colours of your background and the collaged layers, making this a real treasure piece for Eden. It's no wonder she loved it and I wish her well with her dancing xxx
    Have a lovely weekend
    Annie xx

  10. LOVE the canvas you made, Julia. Such a special keepsake for your beautiful goddaughter. xx

  11. What a special canvas to celebrate a special girl. That was such a thoughtful gift and one she cab cherish for years to come. S@ndy xx

  12. Oh my goodness, Eden is very bendy! She is a beautiful young lady (and how talented too!). The canvas you created for her is beautiful Julia, such a thoughtful gift which I bet she will treasure for many years to come. The dancer image is just so perfect!! Beautiful! xxx

  13. Julia, your tiny canvas is so BEAUTIFUL! I wish I had seen it before I made just a card for my friend's daughter's dance recital, because I would have taken that route. Your background is gorgeous, and the way you have added color to the dancer is perfect! I know Eden loved this! She's a beautiful girl!

    I have to tell you of the serendipity of that dancer doll. I opened my packaged and turned it upside down, and just the dancer fell out! 'Use ME', it said! The magic of sarascloset!

    I hope you enjoyed the recital as much as I enjoyed Kenna's. It was 4 hours long! But there were dancers from 1 yr. old to adult, and there was much to see! Kenna has danced for 15 years, and she has a tremendous gift.

  14. Your tiny ATC canvas is simply enchanting, Julia - I love the words and the delicate tinting of the image. So, so pretty - and a wonderful way to celebrate Eden's night of triumph!
    Alison x

  15. Isn't she a doll! I just know she loved this little masterpiece. Such a precious token. Hugs, Autumn

  16. Lovely creation! So sweet of you!

  17. Oh Julia, I love your beautiful dancer canvas and it is especially wonderful because you made it for Eden, I am sure that she adores it! Wonderful colours and I do love that little ballerina Paper Doll, what a perfect choice. Thanks so much for sharing it, Deb xo

  18. Lovely as always Julia! Your goddaughter must have loved this. =) Thanks for joining us at Mixed Media Monthly!

  19. I loved it over at AVJ and am so glad you added it t our challenge at MMM! It looks fantastic!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia