
Saturday, June 25, 2016

Papertrey Ink - June Blog Hop

I thought I wasn't going to get a card done for this month's PTI blog hop -  but I woke up this morning inspired to create!
This was the artwork we were to use for our inspiration.
I decided to use the Meadow Greens stamps and dies for my card. I was inspired by the colors, the shapes and the 'cover all' design.
I die cut the flowers out of vellum, stamped them and layered them over the background stampings with thick foam dots so they were held up high above the background - if they were too close, the background showed through.
I usually design with the rule of threes -  but three flowers looked too busy on this already busy design - so I went with 3 enamel dots to draw the eye around the card!
Now I'm off to check out all the creative inspiration others have left over at the PTI blog hop - are you joining in today??
It's a gorgeous summer's day in the 80's here in MA today -   my son, Josh, is coming over for lunch on the deck - and then Kent and I are going for a walk along Lynn Beach - hope you are having a lovely weekend!
Stamps:  Meadow Greens - PTI
Paper:  White, Aqua Mist, Vellum - PTI
Ink:  Aqua Mist, Pure Poppy, Tropical Teal, Hibiscus Burst, True Black - PTI
Accessories:  Meadow Greens Dies - PTI, enamel dots, thick foam dots.


  1. Beautiful!! I love Meadow Greens. It's one of the best stamp sets ever!

  2. I love Meadow Greens, too! Great choice for this inspiration photo. Love the depth of your card!

  3. This is simply lovely! Nice choice of stamps and colors to interpret the inspiration piece.

  4. So beautiful Julia and you really captured the essence of the inspiration photo!

  5. Very pretty I like your interpretation of the inspiration photo.

  6. Always a treat to see what Julia does with a challenge. You never disappoint! Love your choice of stamps, and the airy feeling of the embossed vellum. Gorgeous bg too!

  7. Stunning card, and your choice of stamp sets was spot on.

  8. Beautiful, Julia! Love the stamping and those flowers in vellum are stunning!

  9. So beautiful, I am so glad you took a closeup picture because the details are really amazing!

  10. absolutely gorgeous take on the inspiration!!

  11. Gorgeous Julia! Love the way you used Meadow Greens (one of my favourite sets) for this challenge. Great stamped background with the beautiful vellum blooms.

  12. I love how you interpreted the artwork, the colours are really beautiful and the vellum creates such a delicate feel. Hugs, Anne xx

  13. WOW...absolutely gorgeous card Julia and you used one of my all time favorite stamp sets! Love the colors and your vellum flowers...perfect interpretation of the inspiration photo! :0)

  14. Very nice. Love the colors. You really hit the nail on the head as far as your interpretation of the inspiration

  15. Gorgeous, Julia! Love this stamp set and it works perfectly with the inspiration piece.

  16. Meadow Greens is still on my wish list, and your card just reconfirmed I need to bump that one toward the top. Your results are fab popping up the flowers over your lovely background, Julia.

  17. This is so pretty! Meadow Greens was a great choice for this challenge.

  18. Lovely card! I love the vellum you used on your card.

  19. This is so pretty - love your stamp choice!

  20. Super beautiful card. I love everything about it. The stamp set is perfect for this! Awesome

  21. You used a favorite set and your layering, choice of colors and vellum are perfect for this inspiration! Beautiful card!!

  22. You've convinced me that I need this stamp set. What a perfect card!

  23. That is a great stamp set and I love how you put the card together with all the layers.

  24. Julia, this is simply beautiful.

  25. Awesome layered stamping - those colors are so pretty together too

  26. Love how your vellum flowers are *floating* in your design ... absolutely lovely.

  27. So much to love about this card - the soft background, the colors, the vellum. Absolutely beautiful!

  28. I love your layering here, Julia! Beautiful take on the inspiration piece!

  29. If I was picking winners, this would be one! Absolutely gorgeous, creative card, Julia! I thought of Meadow Greens & I'll pin this for future inspiration!

  30. Lovely card with a wonderful spring color combination and get use of the stamps! Love the delicate vellum flowers and the pops with the enamel dots! Hugs!

  31. love this mf....beautifully done. Such an artistic header you have on your blog
    TFS and hugs,


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia