
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fall IS coming - right??!

So here it is -  a fall card!   Telling me - YES!  this long - hot - humid- summer is finally coming to a close!
I used the colors from today's color challenge over on Split Coast -  2 shades of orange and dark blue!  I did a lot of dry embossing on this -  the back panel and the image panel after stamping - love this look!  When I was done -  it seemed like too much white (even for 'clean and simple' me!).  I found these Jolee leaf stickers in my old scrap booking stuff and they were just the ticket to fill the space and add a little dimension!  Plus - they were in the right colors!

My stamps are from the wonderful fall set by Waltzingmouse appropriately called Peace and Plenty!

I'm also entering this in the following challenges:

 Raise the Bar Challenge -   Celebrate Fall
Cas-ual Fridays -  embossing

Stamps: Waltzingmouse - Peace and Plenty
Paper: white, enchanted evening, canyon clay - PTI
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Scattered Straw - Ranger Distress,
Accessories: Copics: YR04, YR07, YR24, Square Lattice Embossing folder - SU, rhinestones - Kaiser Craft, ribbon - Orange Zest polka dot satin - PTI, Jolee's Stickers.


  1. Such a pretty card! I just love all the warm texture on your embossed panels. I'm glad you had a little fun with us this week at CAS-ual Fridays!

  2. All your embossing is so fun! it adds so much detail. Love the pumpkin, too. It's still hot and muggy here, I can't wait for it to cool off a bit!!

  3. Beautiful card Julia! Love the textured background! Still hot as ever here in the desert but there is hope in my heart that fall is coming :)

  4. Absolutely beautiful Julia! I love that waffle textured embossing, and beautiful rich colours, yum! Fall is definitely coming here, it's very chilly in the morning and evening now, and fairly cool in the afternoon, it won't be long before we have to drag our winter coats out!

  5. wow this is the textured paper...that pumpkin is too cute..

  6. What a gorgeous card Julia.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  7. This is so stunning!! The embossing looks gorgeous with this!! :)

  8. I love this card!!! I know what you mean. Okla. has had up to 113 degree days, and I'm ready for the cool front coming in. I love all your texture and color combo.

  9. Julia - I too am so ready for fall! It's still so hot here, but I can feel a slight change in the air during my morning jog. I love your card and the way you incorporated the embossing. Thank you so much for playing along with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  10. Oh my goodness, the texture on this card is amazing! Beautiful job, I am so loving this change of temperature too! Thank you so much for joining in on our challenge this week at Raise The Bar!
    ~*Joni RTB DT

  11. I love the texture on this pretty fall card, like a cozy quilt! We've had a few cool days here and there, and the leaves are definitely starting to change, so fall will be here soon! Thanks for sharing your card with us at CAS-ual Fridays!

  12. Lovely card!! The embossing adds a great texture to the card!Thanks for sharing with us @ CASual Fridays this week!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia