
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Silhouette Birthday for a Guy or a Girl!

A quick post from me today -  I've come to realize that I can't stay up every night until 11 pm and then get up for work at 5:30 am and not be tired!!   So I'm hitting the sheets as soon as I post this.  I think I'll read for an hour then shut off the light!   All in moderation right?!

I made this card for the Sketch Challenge over on Split Coast.  What a great CAS sketch!

 My stamps are from Sweet 'n Sassy -  the dragonfly and stems are from Serene Silhouette and the sentiment is from the July Release set Seeing Spots

I chose the stamps I wanted to use first - then the ink color - then went in search of some patterned paper that would work with it.  I think these colors would work for either masculine or feminine don't you?  The card base is a piece of Washboard Bazzill Basics and it has textured vertical lines that gives a nice subtle dimension to the card.

Ok - I'm off to get into my book -  I'm presently reading " The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" by Rebecca Wells - I never saw the movie when it came out but wanted too (probably too busy stamping!) -  the book is really good so far so I may look for it on Pay Per View on cable after I finish it!!

Stamps: Sweet 'n Sassy - blooms and dragonfly from Serene Silhouette, Happy Birthday from Seeing Spots
Paper: Ginger - Bazzill Basics Washboard, Really Rust - SU, Vintage Cream - PTI, DP Basic Grey Pyrus Paper Pad
Ink: Memento - Tuxedo Black, Potters Clay
Accessories: foam tape, corner rounder - Zutter, 1" circle punch - EK Success


  1. Love this combination, Julia! I know what you mean about moderation, also....I want to do it ALL!

  2. This really is the perfect card for anyone! Love the rich tones with this lovely layout.

  3. Love the crisp clean look of this card, Julia. Great sketch and colors.

  4. Love the sketch and your card-great colors!

  5. This is BEAUTIFUL Julia! Gorgeous CAS design and I LOVE the colors!

  6. This is a fab masculine card, I love the delicate plant stamping, and the rustic colors.

  7. this is a great birthday card and your chose great dp -agree it would work for a guy or gal-

  8. Oh you have me laughing Julia...I am SOOO where you are...I love your card, especially the color combo...great job girl...I am reading Stieg Larsson's 2nd book..."The Girl Who Played With Fire"...took me a while to get into the first book, but now I am enjoying the 2nd book...Aren't we blessed to have such great hobbies and interests? TFS my friend !!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia