
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Claire's Birthday Blog Waltz!

The WMS Design Team and Mischief Maker Sketch Team are delighted to be blog waltzing today to celebrate our Claire's Birthday!

Claire, as you know, is the owner/designer of Waltzingmouse Stamps. She is just the nicest, most genuine, caring person and I'm so happy and honored to be on her Design Team

The waltz starts at the WMS blog where you'll find the order of the dance if you get lost along the way.

So please waltz along with us today to see a variety of the wonderful stamps Claire has designed and to help us wish her the most happiest of birthdays!

If you came here from Jennifer's blog - you are on the right track!

I went with a green palet today (thinking of Ireland where Claire lives, I guess!). I started with a piece of celtic squares digital paper from WMS. I used stamps from Faux Fun Circles, Victorian Frippery and Frame It on the front. I used circle and lacey circle Nestabilities.

And here's the inside of the card where I used stamps from Frame It and Faux Fun Circles.

Claire always says 'hope it tickles' so I thought it was quite appropriate here!

Happy Birthday dear Claire! Hope you enjoy your very own special Waltz today!!

And now if you'll be so kind as to waltz over to Mischief Maker Edna's blog to see what beautiful creation she has made!

Stamps: Waltzingmouse - (circles on front & leaf inside card) Faux Fun Circles, (frame, you're so fabby, hope it tickles, happy birthday) Frame It, (jolly good) Victorian Frippery
Paper: White, Simply Chartreuse - PTI, digital DP Celtic Squares - Waltzingmouse
Ink: Memento Tuxedo black, Pear Tart, Bamboo Leaves, Ranger Distress Bundled Sage
Accessories: Circle & Lacey Circle Nestabilities, rhinestones - Kaiser


  1. Lovely job mixing the stamps up my friend, and Claire will love all the GREEN!!

  2. Love the celtic feel to this, beautiful!

  3. beautiful!! Love the clean lines of this and the colour ... simply beautiful

  4. What a great card. Totally makes me smile when I saw it. Outstanding creativity!

  5. Wonderful card, love that bright fresh green! Love all the different stamp sets you have incorporated, a fab card!

  6. This card is SO Claire, Julia! With all of her fun sentiments, and a touch of Irish it!

  7. This card is SO Claire, Julia! With all of her fun sentiments, and a touch of Irish it!

  8. Such a lovely card that features some amazing WMS stamp sets.

  9. LOL!! Oh it tickles Julia!! It does!!! thank you so very much!! I just said on Jennifers blog that I am the lucky one to have you ladies!! Thank you so much!1 Big hugs!!!

  10. Love all the green and the use of the fun sentiments!! And so many sets featured! How cool!

  11. This is AMAZING Julia! LOVE every bit of this!!!

  12. Fab card Julia! Love all the layers and shades of green ~ perfect for the Irish Birthday girl :)

  13. Fab card Julia! I love that you used some of Claire's favorite expressions. Your green focal point is beautiful. I've been so wanting to find a use for the "Jolly Good" stamp - it's fun to see you use it.

  14. this is gorgeous inside and out, Julia!

  15. This is just darling! Love the celtic elements and all those fabby, totally Claire sentiments!

  16. Lovely inside and out, Julia! Love the greens!

  17. Julia - this is wonderful; just love the colour - it's beautiful!

  18. this is really a pretty card julia-such a thoughtful gesture to make it a green card in honor of her Irish roots

  19. Wonderful Julia! Love the "hope it tickles" - that is SO Claire!

  20. finally had a chance to come and gaze at your creations....and I can see that you are up to your usual fabulous cards/projects...tfs

  21. This is really pretty, Julia, and perfect for Claire!!! The stamps are wonderful and I'm love the Irish green!!!

  22. Another beauty Julia...I love the green and the frame is just perfect...Thank you for sharing another creation that is out of this world :)

  23. This is so clean and pretty! Love it!

  24. lovin' that green, fact I really like those Irish blessings set...gotta be good though and admire from afar!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia