
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Waltzingmouse November Release Blog Waltz!

Hello dear friends! Welcome to the Waltzingmouse November Release Design Team Blog Waltz! All 4 new sets are available to purchase today!

You'll want to start your waltz over at Claire's blog to be sure you don't miss anything.
If you came here from Sandie's blog you're in the right place.

For my first card today, I used the new Festive Foliage set as well as the frame from last month's release - Frame It and a text stamp from Text It.

I stamped the frame and then masked outside the frame. Next I stamped the text and foliage inside the box, removed the mask and stamped the sentiment.

For my final card I used the new set Twas the Night Before Christmas. I stamped just the first verse of the famous poem (the stamp is of the complete poem) and then randomly stamped some snowflakes on the panel and card base.
I stamped the window and the sleeping mouse, colored it with copics and again added some snowflakes. Everthing is sponged with Antique Linen. The panel, window and snowflake are up on foam dimensionals. I punched the snowflake and added a button and rhinestone in the center.

Do you like my little metal mouse?! I got him this summer at an Antique/Gift Shop called The Galleree on Main St in Rockport, MA. I have him sit on my work table in my craft room but thought he would look quite appropriate in the photo of my card today!

Remember to leave comments on all of the DT's blogs as well as Claire's as you waltz today - there will be two chances to win a WMS stamp set! AND be sure to go to the Waltzingmouse Store to order the stamp sets that tickled your fancy this month!!

ETA: The contest ends at 11:59 pm EST Tuesday, November 9th. Winners will be announced on the WMS Blog.

I hope you enjoyed and were inspired by all of our cards and projects this week! I certainly had fun creating mine. I'm the end of the blog waltz today - thanks SO much for stopping by. Which set was your favorite this month?

Foliage Card:

Stamps: Waltzingmouse - Festive Foliage, Frame It, Text It

Paper: Vintage Cream, Pinefeather - PTI

Ink: Memento Potters Clay, Ranger Distress - Forest Moss, Peeled Paint, Bundled Sage.

Accessories: Eclipse tape, vintage buttons & Silk ribbon - PTI, Glue dots

Night Before Christmas card:

Stamps: Waltzingmouse: Twas the night before Christmas

Paper: Fine Linen, Text Style; Distressed Dots and Library Ledger - PTI

Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Ranger Distress - Antique linen, Weathered Wood

Accessories: Foam dimensionals, rhinestones - Kaiser, Labels 9 Nestabilities, button PTI, glue dots, Copics: BG11, E35, R08, Martha Stewart snowflake punch.


  1. I love your cards and the mouse is adorable.

    Hugs Yvon.

  2. WOW!! Julia, this is so gorgeous! I love the image!!

  3. WOW Julia! Love the beautiful foliage on the first and the darling scene on the second!

  4. Oh so lovely! Your first card is just perfect with the buttons on the side and your 'Twas the night card is so fun!

  5. Such beautiful creations! Love your cards and that little mouse!

  6. Both cards are WONDERFUL.. and the little mouse looks perfect next to your card!!
    have a GREAT day!

  7. I LOVE the foliage card, very elegant!!!!

  8. Oh these are really lovely Julia - love your clever use of the frame stamp -you make it look so easy!!
    Love your "ickle" mouse too!

  9. I like how you only used a portion of the poem - an idea I will tuck away for when my set arrives. SO excited about this release! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  10. Both cards are wonderful! I especially love the first one! Stunning!

  11. Julie,
    When I saw your first card I said WOW! So elegant and so doable. Wonderful. And I like your little mouse too.

  12. Hee, what a cute mouse! Must make you think of Claire everytime :) The layouts on these are gorgeous! Love how you used Frame It with Festive Foliage...beautiful job on ALL of your projects for this release, Julia!

  13. Very classy card Julia - and crisp colors. The mouse is the perfect touch and it is so fun to look for special finds in Rockport!

  14. Wow...your cards always impress me. And I love your little mouse.

  15. Love everything about your first card - the frame, the text background, the pine cones and needles!

  16. Cute mouse :o)
    Your cards are beautiful but I'm in love with the framed one! Gorgeous!!

  17. Love both projects. The colors on the second one are so fun. I love all the white space on the first one.

  18. Fabulous cards, Julia. I love the foliage, colours and text background on the first card, all set in the frame ... such an impact. The second card is adorable ... great colours, lots of layers, the poem and the cute mouse ... gorgeous!!

  19. What a festive card the second is! And the first certainly captures the beauty of nature!

  20. Such creativity! Love your card creations!

  21. Great cards!! Thanks for sharing!!

  22. beauiful creations but my fav is the first one as I really like what you did with the frame set

  23. Hi Julia,

    Love your cards from today, especially that second one, original color combination, love it and a cute little mouse in front, hi hi!

    Hugs, Wendy

  24. These are just great. The foliage stamp, text and frame are very elegant. And the verse works so well. I love your little mouse!

  25. Cute, cute cards and an adorable iron mouse! ;)

  26. Beautiful cards, love the winter foliage on the first card, just stunning!

  27. I just love the images that you chose. Both cards are lovely, but I am especially drawn to the pinecone...we just came back from vacationing in New England, and this helps bring home warm travel memories. This Blog Hop has certainly inspired a holiday feeling....thanks for sharing!

  28. The first card is beautiful,and the second one is just darling!! I love your little vintage mouse too!

  29. Fantastic Julia. Wonderful techniques really make both of these cards show stoppers!

  30. I love both cards Julia! I love the clean and simple yet elegant look of your first card and the fun look of your second card. Love what these stamp sets can do, thanks for the inspiration!

  31. Great cards! I am loving all the new stamps!

  32. Love your cards & the mouse adds just the right touch.

  33. Love the cards!! These two sets are my absolute favorite sets I've seen this year from anyone!

  34. Great cards, love the first one.

  35. especially like your foliage card -simple and elegant - very classy!

  36. Beautiful cards! Have a wonderful holiday season!

  37. Your cards are beautiful! I love the first card especially - the layering of the text and foliage, especially with the masking, is just lovely!

  38. love your cards, especially the first one! perfect CAS card!

  39. I love the foliage card. The frame just sets it off beautifully.

  40. That pine cone card really does look peaceful.

  41. Great cards Julia! I love the use of both of these new sets.... hard to decide on a favorite! The foliage is elegant, the card with the window is sweet!

  42. What lovely cards! The foliage is perfect with the frame and text stamps - clean and classy. And yes, your mouse is adorable and so is your NIght Before card. :-)
    April C.

  43. wow i love your work its stunning tfs xx

  44. Fabulous Julia! I love how you used the Frame-It stamp with the new releases!! And very original to use only part of the poem - great ideas!!

  45. Oh I love the combination of the text background, foliage, and frame it! So awesome. I also love your little mouse...most appropriate for sure!

  46. Your pinecone card with the frame is just lovely!

  47. I love Rockport! Great cards Julia!

  48. Love the card with the festive foliage.

  49. Two really different but equally great cards!

  50. I want that pinecone card!!! That one needs to be in my inspiration folder!

  51. Love your cards and your little mouse is so cool. I'm really excited to see that poem on a stamp!

  52. Very pretty card and I love the wooden mouse!

  53. I just scrolled down to see all your lovely cards and projects I've missed the past few days and WOW! You have created some gorgeous things! LOVE those 3-D ornaments and the 'blue' gift project!

  54. both are beautiful, but I especially love the one with the pines/pinecomes...very classy

  55. Fantastic cards, Julia. Not sure which is my fave. They are both really terrific!
    Thanks for sharing.

  56. Fabulous cards and I love that mouse!

  57. I've just ordered the festive foliage set. I love how you've used it.
    Both cards are beautiful. Thanks for the waltz!

  58. Wonderful holiday cards! I love the boxed in foliage!

  59. That first card is so gorgeous! So clean and elegant. I love the frame and your images inside. Love it!

  60. Beautiful cards Julia! Love the festive foliage set! I'm going to NEED it really bad! : ) TFS!
    Pam Going Postal

  61. I love your cards: I especially love the foliage card. Beautiful!!

  62. Love the Festive Follage stamp set the more I see it used. Seems quite versatile!! Great job!

  63. Julia, these are so pretty and so original. Love them.

  64. I really love the foliage card...great design!

  65. Really awesome samples, Julia!! Great designs for the holiday and I love that little mouse!

  66. Both your cards are beautiful. Ordered both those sets and now to wait patiently for them to arrive!

  67. Love your cards! Beautiful!

  68. I love your card The night before christmas and the cute little mouse is the perfect prop. Great color scheme.

  69. love the festive foliage card julia-it's a great christmas card-

  70. What great cards! I especially like the first one using Framed, it works wonderfully with the pine cones!

    Chris L.

  71. Love, love, LOVE your Festive Foliage card. The projects seem to be outstanding this month. Thank you!

  72. beautiful cards with the new stam sets. I also love your hanging ornaments this i must do for christmas. Thanks for the inspiration

  73. Great projects! Love those pine cones!

  74. Your cards are stunning! They are so beautiful that they are something that I would keep and treasure.

  75. What a wonderful cards Julia.

    Hugs Riet.x

  76. Oh Julia - can't possibly choose a favourite set and wish I could afford them all! So pleased I ordered the 2 sets you used today ... especially like the masked card idea ... although I'll have to make do with a ruler and black fineliner to create a frame for a while at least.

    Max's Craft Creations
    Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT

  77. Love the beautiful foliage on the first card and the darling window scene on the next!

  78. Absolutely love your little metal mouse! How cute. I'm sure he enjoys keeping you company while you craft.

    Your cards are beautiful, as usual. I especially like the pine cone one, because Festive Foliage is my fav this month. I love how you incorporated the text and the frame.

  79. beautiful items. Thank you for sharing.

  80. Festive Foliage has definitely become one of my favorite stamps. And your use of it is gorgeous.

  81. Just perfect.Love that pine stamp...

  82. I love the way you filled the Frame It image with the foliage, Julia! And I love the fun little scene you made - that mouse is a cutie!

  83. Both of these cards are wonderful, but I am especially drawn to the first one. Great design, and I love the frame and text background with the greenery. Just stunning; thanks for sharing.

  84. I love your festive foliage card - that set is callin' my name !

  85. I especially love the Peace card. The pine reminds me of my grandparents and the pine forest they lived in.

  86. So sweet this window and little mouse love the pines too ..gorgeous cards!

  87. There is no way I can choose a favourite. All the stamps are just wow or maybe it's the talented DT who just wow our socks off.
    all the work on the blog hop has been totally gorgeous. Really inspiring.
    Ann xxx

  88. Isn't that mouse adorable? Love what you created - these new stamp sets are amazing.

  89. So many ideas, so little money. I love the pinecone and branches. So many ways those can be used. Great card.

  90. Great cards! I can't wait to get my stamps!? That metal mouse IS super cute!

  91. Love your cards and your mice, both the small one at the card and the big one.

  92. Two beautiful cards, Julia! I'm really loving the beauty of the foliage card, it's so elegant!

  93. What an elegant card! Love the foliage with the text background - I think the festive foliage set will make some really elegant cards!

  94. Love the first card with the Festive Foliage stamps!

  95. Lovely cards with great ideas. A lovely final twirl in my waltz!

  96. Holy guacamole, 100 comments! LOVE the card; I will have to go check out all the sets, I have behind in my blurfing! The mouse is cute, too!

  97. The foliage card is beautiful. Very understated which makes it elegant!

  98. the masking is so cool. i have been meaning to make a card since last release! i love your lil wee mouse - especially how you paired it with a section of the poem.

    very very lovely.

  99. The foliage card is my favourite - this has to be my favourite of the 4 sets & at last I have found a text stamp that is multi-purpose - thank you so much.
    Paula (PEP)

  100. I think the festive folliage is my favorite set this month!!!! I love what you created with it!!

  101. your foliage card is absolutely gorgeous. LOVE IT!

  102. Am loving that foliage stamp and that little window is so versatile. I have a little mouse too sitting in my craft room. Mine is brass but came from an antique store as well, how cute is that!

  103. Love these cards, such a cute little mouse too!

  104. I love your cards -- espcially how you were to use the new release stamps with old ones

  105. So pretty. Especially like the first card Julia. Great images. :o)

  106. So pretty, the pine cones look great inside the text filled frame. Two great sets that work so beautifully together. Thanks Julia.

  107. Super cards & I love your mouse.

  108. Ooh, I love both of these! Those WMS are gorgeous! And I adore your metal mouse! Great addition to the photo!

  109. I love the look of using Frame It with the foliage. Wonderful! And your mouse card is so cute!

  110. Wonderful cards, Julia...such awesome new stamps and your little mouse is the perfect prop...tooo cute!!!

  111. Lovely job with the framed foliage, looks great!!

    And the mouse in the window is so cute! I can't believe you have a metal rodent, too cool!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia