
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Last of the Halloween Treats!

Hi, Dear Friends! I'm actually doing a lot of stamping but it's all Design Team stuff so I can't share it just yet! (it will all start on 11/4 so be sure to come by!) Wait 'til you see what Claire's coming out with next!!!

For now - I wanted to share a few of the treat containers I made for Halloween to sell at my church fair this past weekend that I hadn't posted here yet.

Decorating or making containers is one of my most favorite things to do - as you probably know if you come by to visit me at regular intervals!!

I got these cute little jars at JoAnn's for $1.oo each! They are about 2"x1" and I filled them with bat droppings (malted milk balls in this case!)

The stamps are Waltzingmouse - Wanda's Pantry and Midnight Feast.

Next - I totally, shamelessly copied these fun little houses from Steph I absolutely loved them when I saw them on her blog. (Thank you Steph!!!)

The template is Claire's and is available free at Waltzingmouse (Claire decorated it as a Gingerbread house). How clever of Steph to see a haunted Halloween house in it!!

I made mine so the bottom opens (didn't glue the tabs) - and I slipped a little bag of candy corn inside. The stamps are from Midnight Feast.

And finally - I got these fun pails at Target last year for $1 each (I almost forgot I had bought them - I had put them in my attic and found them 3 days before the fair!) So I quickly decorated them up!
The stamps are from Wanda's Pantry - the bats are Spellbinders, the ghost is Sizzix, the web ribbon is from Sharon's Stamp Simply Ribbon Shop and the saddle stitched ribbon is PTI. I drew eyes on the bats with a silver marker. (I know - bats don't have eyes - but they look more spooky with them!) So there you go - are you in the Halloween spirit now?!!! You've still got 2 days to make something!

Thanks so much for stopping by today!


  1. You totally rock with these little treat containers and the little houses. I am hopping over for the template from Claire! I'll bet you'll be sold out fast with these treats. How many of these did you say you made????

  2. Love all your special treat packaging! Thanks so much for the beautiful sympathy means so much! Hugs to you!

  3. Fabulous Halloween creations today!

  4. Julie you are such a busy lady!! I love all these Halloween projects. the house is very Cute (spooky) and love the bright orange pail with the ghost and bat with googly eyes..You rock GF!!!

  5. fabulous treat packaging....each so very clever and fun

  6. WOW! These are ALL amazing Halloween treats!! I really love those jars! Very clever and useful!! :) TFS!

  7. Outstanding projects as always, Julia! Love your Halloween treat containers!

  8. Such a darling collection of Halloween treats Julia!

  9. Awesome Halloween goodies! I so love that you cased the little house! It is just darling! I mean, spooky as
    H E double hockey sticks! lol. Now I know were to NOT apply adhesive so it can be opened. You can not open mine. oops! Thanks for all photo of the opening!! Super cute little treat bag inside. Now I want to make more!! Thanks for the shout out Julie! Happy Halloweeeeeenie!

  10. Fabulous halloween projects, Julia! Love all the special treat containers!

  11. Oh my goodness Julia these are fabulous Halloween goodies!!!! EEEEK so much fun!

  12. These are so cute! I think I'd ring your doorbell twice I was trick-or-treating on your street! Adorable! Thanks for sharing ...

  13. Julia, you are the master of the little containers! These are all so cool. I always come here when I need a little gift inspiration!

  14. wow, these are all really cool, love the little house!!

  15. As usual EXCELLENT ABC projects! and you have my favorite candy--whoppers!

  16. Love all your Halloween projects!!

  17. Very cool work, we don't get into Halloween in Australia, but I see you are totally into it!!

    Feel free to sneak peak anything you like with the upcoming rodents, I am eager!!!!!!!!

  18. These are all FABULOUS, Julia....the bat droppings sound wonderful (giggle), the little box is adorable, and I LOOOVE the pails....You are such an inspiration!!!!

  19. Malted balls...aka bat droppings! LOL! Fabulous confection creations and the detailing as always is a feast for the eyes! Awesome work, Julia!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia