
Saturday, July 24, 2010

WMS Sketch, a Sneak Peek and an Exciting Announcement!

Please scroll down to the post below to see my card for this weeks Speedy the Cats' Friends Challenge

We have lots of exciting news at WMS today - First - Claire has added another terrific designer to our team! I am so thrilled to welcome Mona Pendleton to the group - I'm sure you know her and her awesome creativity! - please welcome her when you visit her blog below!

Secondly - it's Saturday and time for another Waltzingmouse Sketch challenge! There were some great cards made last week from a very tricky sketch - this weeks design is a little bit easier I think - do you? Here it is:

and our third exciting thing today is that many of the DT are sneak peeking two fun new Halloween sets that will be available at Claire's WMS shop next Tuesday!

I'm using a stamp from the set called Wanda's Pantry on my project today. Whoo hoo! If you love Halloween - you're gonna love this set! There are all sorts of ghoulish creepy labels and images in it! I decided to make a little treat box rather than a card.

See the label ??? it reads - Partially Decomposed Fingers - and look at the fun gummy fingers I found to go inside my box!!! Creepy eh?? (They're called Gummy Flesh Fries and they come packaged in a french fry wrapper like at McDonalds!) They taste pretty good too (as long as you don't think of them as really being what they are shaped like - DH won't even try one!!!)
To make my container - I took a small gable box, covered it with panels of spooky DP and sponged all the edges!

Here's a little close up of the label and the fingers! That's a 'bloody' tip on the end of them there in case you couldn't figure that out (!) I stamped the label once on white and once on orange - then punched out the 'fingers' part and layered it over the white label.
For those of you playing with the sketch this week - check out the other DT samples on the challenge blog - make your sketch card and get it posted on Mr. Linky by Thursday 7/29/10 at 11:59 pm EST

If you post on Split Coast please use WMSC7 in your keywords!
Now - To see more fun projects using the two new Halloween sets coming out please check Claire's blog and the following Design Team members!

Julia (me!)
Mona - our new DT member!

We'll be having more sneak peeks tomorrow so be sure to stop by!
Oh - and I just rememberd a 4th exciting thing - Claire has redone the WMS shop AND she has added a gallery link where you can see cards made by the DT AND you can create your own gallery and load up your WMS cards so everyone can be inspired!! Go check it out!!
Ok I lied - here's a fifth and last thing!! - here's a message from Claire who's going on a well deserved vacation after the release: "So here's the vacation deets for the store: Orders taken after midday on Friday 30th July will be processed from Sunday 15th August onwards, I will resume shipping on the Monday 16th. I have decided to let the free shipping offer (orders over £50 GBP) run until I return from vacation."
Happy weekend everyone!
Stamps: Waltzingmouse Stamps - Wandas Pantry (to be released 7/27)
Paper: DP - My Minds Eye/Night Light/Wings in the Night
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Ranger Distress Ink - Tea dye & Spiced Marmelade
Accessories: gable box - PTI, labels three nestabilities, foam dimensionals, twill ribbons - PTI, wide striped grosgrain - May Arts (Stamp Simply Ribbon Store), modern label punch - SU, Gummy Flesh Fries - Oriental Trading Company.


  1. Great project Julia but I'm with your DH where the gummy fingers are concerned......yuk!

  2. Fantastic project - love those fun fingers...and you even packaged it using today's impressed! Awesome job.

  3. Umm YUKKIE!!!!! This is HORRIBLE - but I just love that little box! My version - when I shamelessly copy - will be much prettier (ha, ha, ha)

  4. What a fun gift ensemble Julia! I love the shades of various colors around the sentiments perimeter! Thank you so much for the warm welcome :)

  5. Well, this is just really neat, Julia! I love the sketch (saving it) and your box is adorable!
    Can't wait to see all the images!
    Love the use of the wide ribbon, too!

  6. This is the grossest thing Julia!! lol! Not your project of course lol! - it is absolutely a gorgeous container - way to combine the sketch - I still need to do a post on mine!

  7. What a gorgeous container for something so gross!! Love the way you combined the sketch & packaging x

  8. Some of my grandsons would think these were funny...the fingers and the box, but the girls would be horrified! I'm with fingers for me!!

  9. I think you captured the essence of the stamp perfectly! My stomach is churning. I agree with your DH on this one. Well done!

  10. Oh WHERE did you get those? I need to make some of those for Eva and Claire...maybe not for Hallowween but I could have htem on "hand" (HA!) to offer up in a pretty package when they refuse to eat dinner and ask for candy 10 minutes later, hahahahaha! This project is TOOO fun (and too beautiful to be holding partially decomposed finger bits!)

  11. Sorry for the terrible spelling...I must have been worrying the whole time about the status of my post-life fingers after seeing these ;)

  12. Julia WOW girl what a fun fun project, fantastic image awesome take on the sketch and those fingers are tooooooo awesome!

  13. Eeeeewwww! How can something be so creepy and gorgeous all at the same time! Teehehehee! Seriously, Julia, this is such a wonderful ensemble! I love all of the little details you've added to it!

  14. You are too funny - those fingers are beyond disgusting - LOL What kid wouldn't LOVE this project!! You did it again GF - great job!!

  15. Eeeek!! This is just BRILLIANT!! Wonderful, fun inspiration!!

  16. Ewww, Julia! How yucky and creative all at the same time!

  17. So clever Julia. The fingers are hilarious! These new Halloween treat stamps are so fun.
    Thank you for sharing

  18. Oh wow, those are some crazy gooey fingers!! What a fun find!! Your posts are always great to read and check on!! Looks like another fabulous release at WMS!! Love your project Julia!! I'm gonna head over now and check out all the other blogs!! TFS GF!!

  19. How elegant and frightening! You managed to make such a beautiful, scary and fun project. Gotta hand it to you! ha ha I couldn't resist :)

  20. Ohhh wowww Julia,this is so beautiful.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  21. Oh man! I didn't even know you could buy such things... But great box and lovely big fat ribbon on top! I must get me some! I really wanted some of that ribbon for my projects this week!

  22. the ribbon is just wonderful and i love your lil treat box. thanks for your ghoulish inspirations...(i can't believe you can buy gummy fingers!)

  23. Haha! This is perfect! Your box itself is fantastic, love the design (and how you incorporated the sketch!) but then toss in the fingers and its killer!! LOL ;)

  24. Ooh, post mortem fun! This is adorable! You always come up with the greatest ideas! Love it!

  25. Awesome project! I just love Claire's Halloween sets! Such a fun time!

  26. Again, yet another great project. Such fun you have brought to this new release. She is so lucky to have you on the team. Best, Curt

  27. Love how you used the sketch, the black and orange is very inviting too! Not sure about the fingers, LOL!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia