
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Flying with One Layer

I love when I can hit two challenges with one card!

The Clean and Simple challenge over at Split Coast on Monday was 'things that fly' - and the New Technique challenge was to make a one layer card.

So the flying component is obviously my cute little stamped plane with it's message flag from PTI. I've been dying to use this little set and this seemed the perfect challenge! I attached a little gem star to the tail of the plane but you can hardly see it in the pic.

I stamped the images on a piece of DP that had the houses and scalloped edge already on it. (The good people over at Eclectic paperie included a pad of DP as a gift in my recent order and this piece is from that pad- how fun is that?!? )

I adhered the full panel to the card stock so I hope this still qualifies as one layer!? I colored the images with copics to coordinate with the house colors.

Inside I stamped another banner with 'Happy Birthday' on it.

Stamps: Papertrey Ink - Fly Away
Paper: White - PTI, DP Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker/Victorias Street
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Accessories: copics: BG32, R08, YR02, BG10, Amuse Sticky Star


  1. How FUN Julia! LOVE these stamps and your one layer card!!

  2. This is ONE FUN card Julia, WOW your stamping and coloring is FANTASTIC!!!!

  3. Fun card! Your neighborhood looks so clean!! LOL

  4. I love this card with all the RED!! What a cute little plane with the banner, and great coloring of all the houses!

  5. What a darling card! I love it and yes, I think it still meets the challenge criteria!

  6. It is sometimes harder to do one layer... what a fab card you created here, I love the little street and the fly-over, colours are fabbo too!

  7. Cute card! Happy to see how you got to use those fun paper designs.

  8. Such an adorable card! I love the airplane and the houses underneath!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia