
Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Floral Get Well

Pat Smethers was the Featured Stamper over on Split Coast this week - she makes the most wonderfully detailed cards.

I chose her May's Swing Card to case, changing the punches and the stamp used.

I'm going to use this as a get well card and will stamp an appropriate sentiment on the inside.

My pretty flower stamp is from a new release of florals by Rubbernecker Stamps #496-06 and I used my brandy new deckled edge oval nestability for the framing. The bottom punch is by EK Success and the lacey punch is a Martha Stewart.

Stamps: Rubbernecker Floral #496-06
Paper: white, ripe avodado - PTI, DP Amuse
Ink: Color box chalk Cats eye/Lime Pastel, Memento angel pink dew drop, Chamomile - PTI
Accessories: organdy ribbon - SU, foam dimensional, curved punch - EK Success, Lacey punch - Martha Stewart, oval and deckeled edge oval nestabilities.


  1. What a beautiful card, Julia~~ I love all the punches and nesties, and those flowers in pink are just lovely!!

  2. So very pretty! I love the color combo and the simplicity of this card. Beautiful!

  3. I love this, Julia! So soft and pretty ... I feel better just lookin' at it!

  4. this is such a pretty card julia-love the border punches and the new nesties-I really like the dp you used

  5. Fantastic job on the main panel, the flowers are gorgeous!! Nice to see all the round elements coming together so well too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia