
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Believe and Hope and Pics of the Fair

Gosh - I had such a busy weekend - our church fair was Fri and Sat (see pics at end of this post!) - then DH and I went to a coffee house to see two Irish singers Sat night, and then I had church this morning - BUT of course, I still had to stamp!

So here are two projects I did combining several challenges this weekend.
The featured stamper today was Rachelhope13 - I had not been in her gallery before so it was fun checking out all her cards! I finally chose this plaid stocking card to case.

I used a different stamp, made my own plaid background panel with stamps, tilted the image panel and lowered the ribbon!

For my ribbon - I used the buttony bow technique that Joanne created . She is offering a chance to win blog candy if you link a card using this technique - you can see her video tutorial here ETA: Joanne picked my card as one of her 10 favs!

I have been wanting try out my new Waltzingmouse Offbeat Background stamps to make a plaid background so caseing this card was the perfect opportunity. First I stamped the plaid horizontally using scarlet ink - then I stamped it vertically using blue ink. I machine stitched around this piece. I paper pierced around the image panel - and the stocking itself has a stamped stitched edge as do all the stamps in this set (that makes it easy huh!?!)

I distressed around all the edges and sponged them with So Saffron ink. I layered the stocking image - first stamping it on the white panel - then on scarlet and two different designer papers - cutting out pieces and layering them over each other using foam dimensionals.
Stamps: Waltzingmouse Stamps: Off Bead Backgrounds, Sewing Box Christmas
Paper: white, Spring rain, scarlet jewsll - PTI, DP - SU
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, so saffron - SU, Spring raind, Scarlet Jewell - PTI
Accessories: sponge, sewing machine, saddle stitched spring rain ribbon - PTI, twine - PTI, vintage button - PTI, paper piercer - SU, circle punches, foam dimensionals, distresser - Heidi Swapp

My second project is actually a 6x6 page that I made for the His Holy Name challenges that I do every other Sunday. See my side bar for a link.

You can find Patter's challenges here in the SCS forums God's attribute for week 19 was The Word. I chose Psalm 130:5 to illustrate the word for my page today.

I thought this image block from Cosmo Cricket Earth Love designer paper fit it beautifully. I can just feel God's breezes swirling around this girl - waiting for the Lord on this hilllside - can't you??

I used Friday's Taylored Expressions sketch for this page as well as Sharon's no time to stamp challenge to make a square card and only use square corners. (Round embellishments are ok so I think it was ok to have curvy shapes on the dp?!)
Stamps: none
Paper: vintage cream, new leaf: PTI, DP Cosmo Cricket Earth Love/elements/relive/ reuse
Ink: none
Accessories: square punch
And finally - here are some pics from our church fair - we had a full house crowd on Friday night and I forgot to take pictures we were so busy! So these were taken Saturday morning just as we opened - we didn't have as big a crowd on Saturday but there was a steady trickle of people luckily!
Here are Lillian, Dot and Sandy - displaying all the wonderful hand knit items people donate for us to sell.
Here's Cathy and her granddaughter - selling what's left on the Home Backed Goods table. You couldn't even see the tablecloth on Friday night!

Some of the ladies put together various themed baskets (kids, wine, bath and body, etc) for a raffle. Here's Linda ready to sell tickets! Our Country Store table is in the background - here we sell bakery bread, home made baked beans, corn chowder, fresh popped pop corn, canned jellies, relishes and Apple Cider.
Here's me, Jeannine, and Elizabeth at our D'Vine Cards Table - where we sell hand stamped cards and crafts. Jeannine got us these cute autumn aprons at Joanne's for us to wear. We are all a little exhausted!
Dale and her daughter and friend Peggy make holiday gifts/decorations all year long to sell at this packed table!
Here's a shot of the main hall - we also have a sncak bar and Attic Treasures room downstairs.

And here's Jane selling what's left at the jewelry table - The crowds flock to this table first on Friday night - hoping to find that million dollar gem that someone gave away not realizing the value of it!!!

And finally - here are 6 year old twins, Paige and Gweneth with mum, Elizabeth. They were a great help to us at our card table - putting sales in the bags and giving out change - they love to stamp too! I didn't know that Elizabeth snapped this picture with my camera - I found it when I down loaded the others - It was a fun surprise - as well as a great picture!!

If you are still here reading this (!!!! ) ... thanks for sticking with me through this long posting!!!


  1. Oh Wow...TYF never disappoint me...Always a good thing to come here and see your inspirational creativity!!!

  2. What a fun post today! Thanks for sharing! Michelle

  3. Your projects are gorgeous Julia, esp loved the wee stocking card!! lol, but I really loved to see the photos of the church fair!! It looks like you have a great community there!!

  4. The projects are so fun and it looks like you had a great time at the fair! :)

  5. Julia,

    I agree with Claire - it looks like a wonderful church family! I spent time with mine this weekend too and am reminder how much I cherish these people - who are like extended family to me - who love me in spite of my faults (yes, I have them!) and can fold me into their arms and support me anyway.

    Your card with the little stocking is just beautiful! I love the touch of blue - and the plaid. And that it's distressed. (roughed). Nice work (as always!)

  6. OMG, where to start....first I LOVE your FS card with that adorable stocking stamp and the dp you created...looks AWESOME!!! I love your page, also...such a great layout and beautiful images!!! The pictures of your craft sale are wonderful, Julia....I wish I could have come...looks like lots of fabulous goodies!!!

  7. WOWZER!! Julia, this sure is a gorgeous card hun!! I love all the details and the fun quilt look about it!! ;) And the fair looks like it was so much fun!! TFS!

  8. love both of your cards Julia!!!!

    Thanks for sharing your craft show pics...I loved seeing them!

  9. Your card and layout are both Gorgeous!!..and the photos are Fabulous...just like going to a craft fair...Thanks so much for sharing!!...Hugs, Ila

  10. Thank for sharing all your wonderful creations and photos, Julia! Fun

  11. Love, love, love your card! Such a pretty plaid! :)

  12. Thanks for sharing all of your lovely pictures! Love your stocking's so homey!

  13. Oh, I would love to be able to go to your craft fair! Looks like a good one.

    Like the plaid background you created-tfs.

  14. Your fair looks really fun, I would love to do something like that.

  15. Love that first card with cute stocking!! The fair photos are fun, thanks for sharing!

  16. great cards! I really like the paper pieced stocking- super cute! ;)

  17. Julia, your church bazaar looks like it's a fun event. Wish you could have shown close ups of the your creations!

    Love this sweet card. Super design!

  18. Hi Julia!! Paige and Gwyneth could hardly contain themselves after we left you the surprise!! They are delighted to see it featured here! We took the picture and it was a sneaky surprise. All the pictures look great.



Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia