
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lady Bugs and Buttons to the Rescue!

Here you see just a small portion of the giant ladybug army that has been dispersed to snatch back Ladybug Lou-La-Bella Rock-a-Fella from the dastardly evil thug, big bug. They are majorly pissed that any kind of bug would think they could get away with this kind of thing and they are growing larger and larger, even as we speak, as they fly to their destination - they are also gathering buttons along the way to throw at the evil thug big come along - there will be a fun tea party celebrating the rescue in a very short time and we are ALL invited!!

To see what the heck I'm talking about?!?! You can check out Mothermark's Teapot Tuesday challenges on Splitcoast Stampers here !

My card was also made for this weeks Doubledog Dare Challenge that I do with some Split Coast friends - Fran challenged us to use buttons on our card. We'd love to have you join in on this DDC challenge too!

Stamps: Papertrey Ink: Little Lady
Paper: Papertrey Ink: White
Ink: Papertrey Ink: pure poppy, Memento Tuxedo Black
Accessories: glue dots, paper piercer, vintage buttons: Papertrey Ink


  1. This is just adorable!! I love your sweet ladybugs!! Nice layout too!! HUGS

  2. AWW Julia sooo sweet, I LOVE your ladybugs!!! The added piercing is perfect!

  3. How can I resist a RED card, GF??? Wasn't it fun to find out ladybugs were called for? I love your little group, and the buttons added for the DARE! Wonderful sentiment, and buttons!!!

  4. You are too funny!!! I think you should write children's the card girl!

  5. Yah! Take that you big bug thug! Hey girls get me some more buttons! And take that! And this one is for Lou-la-Bella! Take that!

    Snort! Hee! Thanks for helping out Julia! Your card rocks!!!!

  6. gotta love those bugs, the only ones that don't give me the hibbie gibbies!!! and those buttons, perfect for the challenge, Julia!

    ever wonder what's inside that teapot party hostesses' mind??? amazing!

  7. Those are some mighty cool looking ladybugs, Julia...they look like they could take card of the dreaded Thug Bug with one fatal swoop!!!! Hope they get the job done quickly so we can party!!!!

  8. Very creative! & Great photo! New blog on the Hx. of the Ladybug:

  9. Amazing take on this week's Teapot Tuesday!! Love the buttons and, of course, your story!

  10. Oh no, antennae are gonna fly! Very cute card! Love the flower shaped button!

  11. Have a great time in VT!!!
    Wish I could of gets in the way of everything :-(
    Without CT I would of never met you :-)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia