
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We're Off to Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia !

Mothermark (Cindy) has a Teapot Challenge every Tuesday on her blog which is now featured in the Split Coast Challenge forums as well.

This week we are off to Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia - and I've got Pete the Pirate (an old friend of Peggy's) on the deck of his pirate ship plotting the course to Peggy's Cove on the horizon there...... we're off to catch fish and Pete here has one already on deck with an eye to the ocean for more - I was going to add a light house image to my card but the stamp I know I have has gone missing in my stamping room so we missed the boat on that so to speak!!!
I was the hostess this week for the Doubledog Dare Challenge I do with some Split Coast friends. My challenge was to make a card using this swarthy Pirate Dragon and Pirate Ship Background -they are free Dustin Pike digi images that you can find here. We'd love to have you join in on the Tuesday Doubledog Dare challenges as well. You can find those here .
My card also covers the Color challenge on Split Coast this week - to use Vanilla, Close to Cocoa and Taken with Teal (and a few other colors added in for good measure!) can I pack any more into this card!?!?!? LOL!!!
Here is the pile of Copics that I used to color the images!
Thank you for coming by today!!
Stamps: Karen Foster Snap Stamps - Dustin Pike Digi Images
Paper: Close to Cocoa, Taken with Teal: SU, Vintage Cream: PTI
Ink: So Saffron
Accessories: Sponge, foam dimensionals, circle punch, glue dots, fish charm: Custer's Last Stand, Black micron pen, copics


  1. AWW this is sooo cute Julia love your scene and your coloring WOW!!

  2. What a FUN card!!! I enjoyed your story about it, too!

  3. well now, Julia, how cute is this sea captain!!! Great job combining those challenges, the teal was hard for me to fathom, but you made it work in an excellent way! gotcha sea legs???

  4. What a super cute deck seen Julia!! Sounds like you had an awesome time at this weeks tea party!!

  5. Look at all that coloring! What a fun scene...have so much fun in NS!

  6. This is just too cute, Julia! Fabulous coloring! See you at the Cove!

  7. Perfect card for Cindy's tea party!

  8. WOWZER!!!!! This is sooo FABULOUS, Julia!!!! Your coloring is amazing....every little detail is gorgeous!!!! Thanks for the great challenge this week...I better get on the stick and get mine done!!!!!

  9. Super cute! I love the little fish! Peggy's Cove sounds wonderful! Have a fantastic trip!

  10. WOW Julia!!! This is FABULOUS! Love your perfect scene and your amazing coloring! Hugs, Lisa

  11. Oh, he's such a dashing dragon pirate, if I do say so myself! So cute, and your coloring is fabulous, Julia!
    I left a little somethin' for ya on my blog, when you get a chance. Thanks for all you do with the DDC group, your friendship, and inspiration!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia