
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fun with Copics and Amuse Stamps!

I took a Copics class Friday night at the Papertree Store in Manchester, NH (Hi Michelle!) that was taught by Amuse Instructor Jennifer Daloisio (Hi Jenn!) Here are the wonderful cards that we made. All of the stamps and papers are by Amuse.

This masculine card below was made using the Pallette Blending Technique - you use this technique when you only have a light and dark color and no third color to make your color blend gradual. This is how Jenn described the technique: "Color lightest color on image. Color darkest color on an acrylic block. Using the lighter color marker pick up the darker color off the acrylic block onto the tip . Starting at the edges that you want the darkest, color pulling it into the center. Repeat until you are happy with the look".

This was the most difficult technique we used and none of us liked it very much (!) as it was hard to control the darkness of the color - but it was good to know in case we were coloring and didn't have the right shades of Copics.

All of the next cards were colored using two or three shades of similar color Copics. We started coloring the whole image with the lightest shade - then added the darkest shades to the edges we wanted to shadow - then added the middle shade next to the darkest shade - then blended over the whole thing again with the lightest shade. We repeated this process until we had the look we desired. (phew!)

Look how cute this elephant with the baby is (and we thought only the Stork delivered babies!) an the little girl swinging in the tree is just adorable.

I loved the trio of cupcakes (they made me hungry for one!) and what a fun carrot car!

I'm posting these from the cottage in NH! (yes - I may not stamp when away but I have to be on my lap top so I can still check out everyone's blogs!)

Thanks for dropping by today.

Hot Tip: Today's the day Waltzingmouse Stamps is releasing 4 new wonderful sets - there's a Halloween set, A Christmas set, a pretty little angel set with different outfits! and a super labels set so there's sure to be something that 'Tickles' as Claire always says!


  1. Looks like you had a great time!!!! Your technique looks great!

  2. Super cute cards Julia! I have yet to try Copic markers, but am dieing to! :)

  3. Your cards could not be cuter! Looks like a super fun class. Great job with the coloring.

  4. great set of cards! I love the clean & simple style!

  5. These cards are wonderful!! I think your copic coloring is fabulous!! They scare the heck out of me.......I stick to the easy stuff! Good for you, and great job!!!

  6. Oh Julia, all cards are so cute and lovely!! Great coloring, too!!

  7. Julia these are all so darling!! Amuse has the sweetest stamps..Your coloring with copics looks amazing..Thanks for sharing these!

  8. OMG, Julia...what fabulous projects and your coloring looks AWESOME!!! Thanks for all the copic tips, too...I hope a class comes to my neck of the woods one of these days!!!!

  9. wow- what a productive class!Love all your cards especially the bunny in the speeding carrot!
    Dei xx

  10. Your cards are all beautiful, of course! They are a wonderful sight! I have missed visiting your blog. It's great to be back!

  11. Hi Julia! It was great having you in the class on Friday and that you finally got to take the Copic Class with Jen. And your sample for September already has people excited. :)

  12. Great coloring on your cards. Love that carrot car! tfs

  13. Adorable cards! That carrot car is too cute!

  14. Julia great work!!! Love your cards!!

  15. GREAT CARDS! Thise cupcakes look so divine!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia