
Sunday, August 30, 2009


I made this 6x6 page for the His Holy Name Challenge #17 - God's attribute for this week was 'Faithful'. I chose Psalm 145:13 to illustrate this attribute. The designer papers are Cosmo Cricket Earth Love that I just got this week. It's the front and back of one sheet. The yellow DP is Bitty Box Basics from Papertrey Ink.

I attached a little Noah's Ark charm from Hanna Stamps, tied with a ribbon - to illustrate how God is faithful in his promises - giving us the rainbow to let us know he would never destroy humanity by water again.

I used the Mojo Monday Sketch 101 for my page.

You can find the His Holy Name Challenges in the forums here or by clicking on the Holy Name logo on my side bar. Everyone is welcome to join in at any time!

DH Kent and I had a wonderful day today - after church we went kayaking on the Concord River for about 2 hours with my niece Christie and her husband Nate. It was sunny in the 70's without a cloud in the sky! We ate lunch on the river and then stopped for an ice cream on our way home - can't get much better than that!
For you Revolutionary War history buffs - this is the North Bridge of the Battle of Concord - of the Shot heard round the world fame. Part of the Lexington/Concord National Historic site is located here along the river.

We came upon this very stately blue heron, balancing on one long leg! He wasn't bothered by us at all as we rowed by him!
And one more news note - I'm so excited! Tuesday night I'm meeting Anne Harmon (jdmommy on SCS) at a nearby 99 Restaurant. We are on the DoubleDog Dare Challenge team together and I've known her for what seems like forever on Split Coast. We only live about 45 minutes away from each other but have never gotten together. We finally planned to meet for dinner after she visits with her mother who lives one town over from me. I'll be sure to get some pics to share!

Thank you for stopping by today!

Stamps: Karen Foster Snap Stamps
Paper: vintage cream, dark chocolate, bitty box basics: PTI, DP Cosmo Cricket Earth Love - Recycle/turn over a new leaf
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Accessories: foam dimensionals, swiss dot satin dark chocolate ribbon: PTI, yellow ribbon: Michaels, Noah's ark charm: Hanna Stamps, vintage buttons: PTI, oval nestabilities, computer generated verse. key tag punch, oval punch: SU, paper piercer


  1. Nooooo and Anne are getting together....OMG!!!!! I want to come!!!! I hope you have a great time, Julia...I hope you take some pictures and be sure to let us know all about your visit!!!! Your river trip looks like a lot of fun and your scripture card is gorgeous!!!

  2. Lovely card and adorable charm! your pictures are so pretty too! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love your card, Julia! I got some of this paper and HAVE to get it out to use!
    The kayaking looks wonderful! Dave and I are "paddlers" too! We usually go on the lake by our house but the river looks so fun!

    Enjoy your dinner with Anne! wish I could join you!

  4. Love this page, Julia, as I've been enjoying all of them since discovering your blog not too long ago. I'm even thinking of checking the challenge out and joining in. We'll see...
    At the preschool we teach the children a different Fruit of the Spirit each month and do faithfulness in November -- bringing in the story of the Pilgrims and also Noah's Ark, so it was neat to see the little ark charm on your page.
    Thanks for sharing your inspirational work!

  5. Beautiful page! TFS your gorgeous photographs! Esp. love the blue heron. What a wonderful day!!

  6. WOW!! Julia, this is so gorgeous!! What a beautiful layout!! HUGS

  7. Beautiful Julia!! Have fun with your friend...

  8. Beautiful Julia, absolutely LOVE these colors!

  9. I love your lesson page - I spotted the ark right away - the ultimate promise! The papers are beautiful and the layout is very appealing.

    Your Kayaking photos are amazing - I love the history and the green-ness of it all (LOL) - the heron is majestic.

    How fun that you get to meet up with a "cyber-friend"! Enjoy!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia