
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stop and Smell the Basket

The featured stamper on Split Coast this Sunday was Kelly (Schirmcat) of the Naughty and Nice list fame! I found myself on her nice list last November and somehow that wasn't the list people wanted to be on!?!?! Being on the Naughty list was more prestigious! LOL!! Oh well - at least I made a list.....!

I have been wanting to use my Papertrey Ink vintage basket stamps so I cased Kelly's pretty Giving Thanks card where she used one of them. I changed the background and sentiment stamps, the contents of the basket and colors of the buttons but kept her nice layout. I inked all the edges with Chai Tea Dye ink. The flowers are stamped right on the card stock and I colored the flowers with Copics and my white gel pen. The basket is cut out, colored with a Mustard color Copic and popped up over the flowers with foam dimensionals. I also added two cute flower brads where the handles are attached to the basket.

Hope everyone had a great weekend - we had perfect summer weather for 3 days - now it's back to work in the morning.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!

Stamps: PTI: Vintage Picnic, Vintage Picnic Sentiments, Background Basics Text Style
Paper: PTI: Lemon Tart, White
Ink: PTI: Chai Tea Dye Ink, Memento Tuxedo Black
Accessories: glue dots, flower brads: Making Memories, Copics: Y26, YG17, YG03, White gel Pen, Foam dimensionals, Vintage Buttons: PTI, cream twine: PTI


  1. We had an awesome time hanging out with you guys!!!
    You are a wealth of info girl,
    And talented to boot!!! LOL
    I will be keeping in touch.

  2. what a gorgeous card julia!!!

  3. Very pretty card! After this weekend I am starting my Papertrey wish list!

  4. This is so pretty! I love the details on your basket! Great design too! So sweet!

  5. Love this Julia!! Isn't that just the neatest set from PTI??

  6. This is lovely. I just love this set and you did a beautiful job bringing it to life on your card!

  7. oh, you're so right about the list, Julia! love your take on Kelly's card and FS honor!!! Ya'll go, girls.

    I like your handle attachments, too! Hope you had a marvelous weekend and your class went well

  8. LOVE this!! All your creations are so beautiful, Julia!

  9. This is sooo cute, Julia...I love the little basket and the sweet little buttons!!! I have had this set for a few days but haven't inked it up....thanks for the inspiration!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia