
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

You're Grr-eat! - A Recipe for Stamp Cleaner & a Nestability Sale!

Lot's to share with you today! Be sure you read about the Nestability sale at the bottom of this post!

I made this card for the color challenge on Split Coast - to use red, tangerine and Kiwi Kiss, and a neutral. I created a fun round card using my new Pinking Circle Nestabilities (that I got on sale as per my note to you below!) I think the pinked edges go great with this prehistoric theme (sort of like Dino's teeth!).

The stamps are from Prehistoric Birthday by H&M Stamps . All of Heather's stamps are on sale now so be sure to check it out before everything sells out! All stamp sets are $8.00 or less!

The top circle, dino and cake are all popped up on foam dimensionals.

To cut the card - I put the Circle Nestability on the folded card - moving the top of the die above the fold - so that part wouldn't cut - then I ran it through my Cuttlebug going back and forth 4-5 times to be sure it cut through both layers. Then I cut the designer paper with the next smaller circle die and the Naturals Ivory with the next smallest - and attached them over the card base.

Stamps: Prehistoric Birthday: H&M Stamps
Paper: riding hood red, naturals ivory: SU, DP Cosmo cricket Lil Man/Jumping Jack
Ink: memento tuxedo black, riding hood red, kiwi kiss: SU
Accessories: foam dimensionals, dotted satin ribbon: PTI, slot punch: SU, pinking circles nestabilities, spica gold pen

For those of you who clean your stamps with a scrubbie and spray - I wanted to share with you a recipe for the spray that I found on a Split Coast forum so we can save some money and make our own! Whoo hoo!!

Stamp Cleaner
2 cups of distilled water
2 Tbs Rose Water
2 Tbs Glycerin
1 Tbs Baby Wash

I just boiled the water and let it cool to distill it but you can also buy bottled distilled water at supermarkets or places like CVS. (ETA - Rebecca was kind enough to leave me a comment on this post that boiling water doesn't distill it - distilling is a whole other process! my error!)

I found both the Rose Water and Glycerin at our local Whole Foods Market ( 4 oz for about $5.49 each. You may be able to find the Glycerin at a pharmacy (all my local pharmacies had were the glycerin suppositories!)

And it's ok to just use a generic brand of baby wash - I got one at CVS.

I made up a double batch and am storing it in a water bottle - be sure to label it so you don't drink it!! I put it in my small spray bottle and spray it on the scrubber - then rub my stamps on the scrubber - and it works just as well as my store bought stuff!

Here's another hot tip! is offering 20% off all scrapbooking supplies for the month of June - that includes Nestabilities!!!! (who knew they carried this stuff??) check it out here.


  1. Whatta super cute & fun shaped card Julia!!!! I'll have to bookmark that recipe for the stamp cleaner...I have no nesties {I know...}...I'll have to check out the sale...thanks for passing it along!

  2. Love the pinking nesties!!!! and thanks for the Ritz Camera link! I have bought some stuff there...but always forget to look for sales!

  3. What a cool card! Love the nestie shape and your layout....too cute!

  4. Boy are you just chock full of interesting tid bits today!!! Thanks so much for the tips. You rocked this color challenge my friend!! Great card.

  5. WOWZER!! This is such an awesome card Julia!! Love the shape and design!! :)

  6. Wow! What great finds--nesties on SALE??!! Thanks for the recipe, too.
    Cute cards, tfs!

  7. Ummmm..... When you boil water, you sterilize it, not distill it! To distill you capture steam from the boiling water thereby leaving the minerals behind. I think they ask for distiller water so the minerals don't clog the nozzle over time. Just a guess. BTW, I love your dinosaur card and clever use of newspaper on your fishing card.

  8. I love the dino card and the pinking Nesties!! I've had that nesty set for so long and have not used it yet! I shoulda known you'd be able to create something wonderful with it!! Thanks for all the tips!! Your blog is always a MUST SEE stop over!! Hugs GF!!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia