
Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Few Drinks, A Few Laughs & My Stamping Assistant

Here is my card for the Ways to Use it Challenge on Split Coast which was to use some kind of text stamp on your card - I used a fun Martini's background stamp from Rubbernecker which I stamped over designer paper that had dotted circles on it (sort of like the bubbles in drinks I'm thinking!?!) My fun Diva is Addy Tude - by Stampingbella and I slipped this cute little cocktail napkin by EK Success over the ribbon. (it says "a few drinks, a few laughs" in case you can't read it in the pic!)

The sketch was a Doubledog Dare Challenge from Beverly (beestamper) last week. You can check out the DDC Challenge Forum here we'd love to have you play along - just put DDC in the keyword when you load your card on Split Coast

I wanted to share with you this picture of my stamping assistant - Scout. Here she is adjusting the location of the Diva Circle on today's card - isn't she doing a swell job?!?

And here she is in one of her favorite resting spots - on top of the piles of papers that I print off of blogs with ideas or challenges that I want to do. I have a nice little blanket on top of one of my rolling drawer cabinets where she sits most of the time. This table area is supposed to be empty clean space and periodically I organize and put all the papers in appropriate places - but then somehow it just piles up once again! And you can see about half of my Papertrey Ink stamp sets in the CD racks here as well as some The Greeting Farm and Magnolias that I store in CD cases. The plastic drawers have wooden stamps by topic, one has my embossing supplies, another all my adhesives, and another my clear acrylic blocks.

Scout's sister, Boo, comes in now and then and sits on the windowsill just to be social - but she's not into the stamping the way Scout is! Scout will actually cry when I am downstairs asking me to "come on up to the stamping room now mum!!!" (as if I need to be asked?! LOL!)

and - Just a reminder! if you want to go to the Stamp New England Workshop in Farmingon, CT on July 10th & 11th - you need to sign up by Tues 6/23 so hop on over and check it out today!!

To see the fun we had at the March Workshop in Portsmouth, NH - look here and here

Stamps: Drinks bg stamp: Rubbernecker, Addy Tude Diva: Stampingbella
Paper: white: PTI, basic black, baja breeze: SU, DP Scenic route/North Shore in the tube
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Accessories: foam dimensionals, small circle punch: Marvy, summer sunrise swiss dots satin ribbon: PTI, cocktail napkin: EK Success, Scallop ed tag: Spellbinders, gemstones: Hero Arts & Amuse, Copics: Y38, YR02, colorless blender, E00, BG10, BG13, T2


  1. That card is so so cute!!!! I love the napkin!!! Thanks for the picture of your space! I love seeing where everyone "lives"!

  2. Totally cute card!! I love that Addy Tude - she's too adorable!! :)

  3. What a fun card! I loved learning about Scout, too, and seeing where you create!

  4. Funny card, and I love learning about Scout, and there a Jem somewhere? Or maybe an Atticus? I recognize these names from my all-time favorite movie (and book) To Kill a Mockingbird!!!! Or is that just a coincidence?
    Nice to see your stamping area, too!!!

  5. What a cute and fun card!!
    Your assistant is beautiful :) She is really doing a good job, lol.

  6. oh, Scout and Boo are such pretty helpers! They can come and play with my Jessie...she lays at my feet and keeps me company.

    Your card for the WT is super cool...I like the napkin and 'texted' drinks!

  7. such a FUN card your assistant....tooo cute!

  8. Very cool card Julia!!! nice puddy tat.

  9. TEE!! This made me smile!! I love your image and your whole card!! Kitty is curious!! ;) Hope you have a great weekend!!

  10. I can sooooo relate to piles of paper! And a cat sitting on them. If she's not curled up in my chair then she's sitting on top of my project on my Scor-Pal. And no matter how many times I put her on the floor she continues to jump up. Mine's not such a good assistant. It's crazy I tell ya!

    Your card is great! I love that diva and the cocktail napkin is fantastic!

    Have a great weekend!

  11. hahaha this is darling! Wonderful your cat also!

  12. Scout is such a good helper!!! Awesome card!

  13. Your card and your baby, Scout, are both so cute, Julia! It's great to see a bit of your stamping space, too! I wish I lived on the east coast so I could come to some of those fun-looking stamping events!

  14. Fun, fun, fun! Love this card!

  15. Aha!!! So that is your secret, you have stamp assistants!! I always KNEW there was no way you could get all that stamping done alone!! The two of you came up was a darling design, I love this card!! And your stamping room looks like so much fun, I've always wondered what your stamp mill looked like!! ;)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia