
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eat, Sleep, Fish - with Mojo

On this card I used the Try a New Technique challenge on Split Coast. We were instructed how to do embossed wax paper . I used the Forest Branches Cuttlebug folder for my background embossing the waxed paper then placing it between 2 pieces of glossy card stock shiny side in and then ironing it without steam. You remove and discard the wax paper - and then ink the glossy card stock with die ink and a brayer.

The fun fishing stamps are from a newly released set by H&M Stamps called Just for Dad. It also includes hunting stamps for the guys in your life that are into those outdoor activities. The set also includes quite a few fun sentiments so be sure to check it out!

I used the Mojo Monday Sketch for my card.

Now that I look at it - doesn't the background look like the ripples in a lake?? A happy accident - I was just going for the outdoors look with the Forest Branches folder. I guess I should have used a blue or greenish blue ink?!?!

Just to let you know - I have a several activities coming up and probably won't be posting for a few days. I have Bible Study tomorrow night - and then my niece, Katie, is getting married on Saturday - so we have the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner on Thursday night, a little pre-wedding cocktail party at Katie's sister's house on Friday and then the wedding on Saturday.

BUT! I have something fun to share with you on Friday - so be sure to check back for that posting!

Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hello!

Stamps: Just for Dad: H&M Stamps
Paper: Naturals Ivory, Close to Cocoa, Glossy Card Stock: SU
Ink: CLose to Cocoa, More Mustard: SU, Memento Tuxedo Black
Accessories: Cuttlebug, Forest Branches Folder, iron, wax paper, foam dimensionals, sponge, brown felt rick rack: Offray, Dark Chocolate Twill: PTI, copics: E11, E13, E09, 100, Y26, BG11, C1, Spica Gold


  1. OH I just love what you did with this set Julia!! Great card and GREAT job on the sketch!

  2. That background looks like it could be ripply water too if done in blue! Great guy card!

  3. This is a great dads card. I love everything about it. Have fun at the wedding.

  4. Julia wow this is great, love the sponging!! perfect dad card!

  5. FABulous masculine card!!! Have fun!!!

  6. Okay, this is just THE coolest! I love the sponging on the edges and that background is PERFECT with the fishing theme. Awesome, Julia!

  7. Julia, you totally rocked this card girl~! Honestly...that background is the COOLEST! It came out beautifully and perfect for this stamp set!

    Hope you have a great week! Weddings are always exciting!!

  8. What a fun card Julia!! I love this!! Perfect masculine card!!

  9. Fabulous job! I didn't catch this yesterday..once the Sox are on, my computer goes off!! Love the bg and the images!! Wonderful card for any guy!!!!

  10. Great masculine card. I reallly like this.

  11. Great card and really fun background. Wonderful job on the Mojo Monday sketch.

    It's a good life!
    Terri E.

  12. This is such an awesome guy the fishing theme and your background turned out sooo AWESOME!!!!

  13. I love this technique and on your beautiful card it is so perfect~ Love the colors and design too, Julia!

  14. Wow, that is a cool technique! Really great for a masculine card like you made...I LOVE it! Have fun at the wedding!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia