
Friday, April 3, 2009

A Frosted Birthday and a Fried Egg!

My first card uses Julee's Monday Mojo sketch and the colors from the color throwdown challenge - to use pink, turquoise and orange. This cute cupcake and sentiment are from a new stamp set from H&M Stamps called Cupcake Wishes. I added a little scoring along the top of the card with my Scor Pal and used an Ornare template for the piercing.

Stamps: Cupcake Wishes: H&M Stamps
Paper: white: PTI, tangerine tango, tempting turquoise, cameo coral: SU, DP Urban Prairie Basic Grey, Imaginisce twitterpated
Ink: True Black: PTI, taken with teal: SU
Accessories: foam dimensionals, pacific point ribbon: SU, paper ppiercer, Ornare Stencil, dew drops, key tag punch: SU, scor pal

My second card was made for the limited supply challenge on Split Coast - to use 1 color card stock (ok to use neutrals too) use 2 patterned papers and use 3 embellishments.

I used Taylor's Sketch and I stamped an egg on my card which was Sharon's no time to stamp challenge. These fun stamps are from Two Scoops Rice Designs. I used gems, paper piercing and ribbon as my embellishments.

Stamps: Breakfast Set: Two Scoops Rice Designs
Paper: white, summer sunrise: PTI, basic black: SU, DP 2008 Bitty Dot basics: PTI
Ink: true black: PTI
Accessories: circle punches, foam dimensionals, dotted ribbon: PTI, paper piercer, gemstones: Hero Arts, copics


  1. Super cute!! That fried egg stamp is adorable, and I love the color of that polka dot ribbon!

  2. Love that fried egg!! so cute!!!

  3. Super fun cards Julia...great cupcake one and of course I love your Two Scoops one too!!!

  4. That egg wow just so cute you did really great on that!

  5. I just HAD to see what that fried egg looked like!! :) It's so cute!! And of course your cupcake is just as yummy looking!! TFS!

  6. Boy, you have been moving through the challenges, gf!!! I love both of your cards but the fried egg really cracked me fun and creative to use it for Sharon's challenge!!! I bet she will get tickled when she sees it...especially with most everyone using Easter eggs...tooooo funny!!!

  7. Cute, cute, cute! So sweet these cards are!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia