
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Embrace the Girls of the World

Isn't this the cutest little image? I found it on a web site quite some time ago - it was a whole sheet of about 15 different 'Girls of the World" and it was free - out in share-ware land so I saved it to my hard drive. I went back to the site to send the link to my Double Dog Dare friends and it was no longer available (!?) so I'm so glad I saved it - although I missed out on the boy images as well as some other varieties of girl images. You snooze - you loose!!
Well - moving on - my card today uses the colors of the Split Coast Color challenge: Rose Red, Kiwi Kiss, More Mustard and the sketch from Julee's Mojo Monday Sketch
And, as I mentioned at the start - this weeks Doubledog Dare Challenge - I was the hostess this week and the challenge was to use one of the 'Girls of the World' Images from the sheet I sent them. It will be fun to see which image each girl uses!
We'd love to have you join our Doubledog challenges - just upload a card to your SCS gallery using any girl image and use the keyword DDC.
If you'd like me to send you the file of all the 'Girls of the World' images - just e-mail me with your e-mail and I'll send it right off - be sure your e-mail doesn't put me into junk mail when I arrive with an attachment! Click on "view my complete profile" on the side bar
Edit: you can find some of the images here: on Laura's blog - which is where I first found them.
You can find all the Doubledog Dare challenge cards here.
Oh! and I have some exciting news to share with you today - Heather from H&M Stamps has asked me to continue on her Design Team for 6 more months! I'm just so thrilled and excited!
You can see her announcement about all the DT members here. She's having a new release in March and I'll be doing a sneak peak at the end of this month and we'll be doing a blog hop the first of March - so be sure to watch for all the excitment!!
Thanks so much for coming by today!
Stamps: sentiment: Mixed Messages: PTI
Paper: white PTI, more mustard & Rose Red DP: SU
Ink: true black: PTI
Accessories: image from web, tiny gem: Amuse, ribbon: Amuse, Koh-I-Noor colour pencils, gamsol, copics, foam dimensionals


  1. So sweet--and congrats on the design team news!

  2. absolutely adorable mojo card!!!

  3. Julia, this is such a cute card - love the colours, the paper and that little image - gorgeous!

  4. wonderful card, Julia...I bet all those girls and boys were adorable! I love how you used the colors in the challenge and...

    Congratulations on your next 6 months on the have really represented H&M stamps in a big way and I am sure the next 6 months will bring more gorgeous work! Awesome

  5. Hi Julia!
    Fabulous card! And congrats on the DT opportunity! ---teri

  6. Congratulations! can find all the clipart (rest of the girls and the boys) at Alison's blog ....

    Just scroll down the list!

  7. How gorgeous!! Love those sweet papers and design!! Really fab Julia!! TFS!! :)

  8. This is SUPER CUTE!!!
    Congratulations on being asked to remain on the design team! They couldn't let YOU're too talented!

  9. Thanks for such a great challenge, Julia...I hope to make my card this weekend. Your card is sooo your coloring on that adorable image!!! Congrats, also, on the DT extension!!!

  10. I absolutely adore those Girls of the World images you sent us Julia! Can't wait to get started. I love the one you chose here, she's perfect in the colors for the CC this week!! And CONGRATS on more DT news!! If I had a DT I wouldn't want to let you off MY team either!!! You rock GF!! Hugs!!

  11. Congrats on the dt extension! Your work is awesome so I am NOT surprised! I love this girl! She is so sweet! Your card is just the green dress and ribbon. Such a pretty touch!

  12. Julia.. Congrats about the H&M stamps extension! That is awesome.. Any design team would be lucky to have you!

  13. Julia this is darling, great job!

  14. I think she is adorable and I love the colors you used with her too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia