
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Say Thanks to the Teacher!

Our inspiration today on Split Coast was a web site of Lang Calendars - this school page inspired me:
And here is the card I created from the inspiration:

I finally inked up this fun school set by Cornish Heritage Farms called Making the Grade - that I've had forever - waiting patiently for me to use it. My base card is light green like the inspiration but I sponged some red over it so you can hardly tell that it's a light color. I used Fresh Snow ink by Papertrey Ink for the sentiments - what great coverage that ink gives - but you do need to allow extra time for it to dry - it's real juicy!

The bench and tree with the grass line are all one stamp from Stampendous called Parkscape. And the bird punch is from Martha Stewart. All the panels are up on foam dimensionals as is the cute out school house and punched bird.

Kent and I went to see a wonderful play this afternoon at the Huntington Theater in Boston - called "The Corn is Green" starring Kate Burton (Richard Burton's daughter for those of you old enough to remember him!) and Kate's son Morgan Ritchie. It was a great story about a woman (Kate) who started a school in a small remote Welsh village in the late 1800's - where the children worked in the coal mines and no one got an education. The teacher mentored one of the students (Morgan Ritchie) and he got excepted to Oxford.

So - I made a teacher card and saw a teacher play - all in one day!

Thanks so much for coming by!

Stamps: Making the Grade: Cornish Heritage Farms, Bench: Stampendous Parkscape
Paper: pure poppy, Spring Moss: PTI, basic black: SU
Ink: True Black, Fresh Snow: PTI
Accessories: heart brads, sponge, foam dimensionals, bird punch: Martha Stewart


  1. Oh Julia...this is absolutely Perfect-o!!! You've done a magnificent job!!!

  2. Perfect! This is just a nice thing to give to a teacher. My sister-n-law who is a teacher said you can only receive so many candles and body wash. How much better than a handmade card with maybe a gift certificate in it! LOVE IT!

  3. What a wonderful interpretation! I am sure any teacher would love this card...especially instead of another mug!

  4. Great inspiration card and the play sounds interesting. tfs

  5. Purdy Red!! And I am gonna have to go get that PTI Fresh Snow. That is a great tip! I have heard of that play, what a great way to spend an afternoon! My DD does lots of local theater, it's one of my fav things to do!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia