
Saturday, November 15, 2008

H&M Sketch Baby, an Inspired Scarf and Amuse

Well ladies - it's Saturday and that means Heather from H&M Stamps has another sketch/color challenge for us! You can join in and win a gift from Heather here.
Here is the card I made from the challenge. I used the sketch as well as the colors but you can do one or the other or both! and you don't have to use H&M Stamps but if you have them - please do!

On my card today - I used a wonderful 23 piece baby stamp set called Miracle from Above that you can see here.

I used my rectangle nestability for the BABY sentiment and circle punches for the images. I colored the images with copics. I think with this color mix you could use it for either a boy or girl baby!

Stamps: Miracle from Above: H&M Stamps
Paper: Vintage Cream: PTI, DP Amuse
Ink: Dark Chocolate
Accessories: copics, circle punches: SU, rectangle Nestabilities, foam dimensionals

Todays inspiration challenge from Stef on Split Coast was a wonderful web site called Felted Garden. I was inspired by the colors and patterns on this set
and here is the card I created.I used a new (to me) Martha Stewart flower punch that just punches the outline so it's dimensional - and then punched around the flower with a circle punch. I sponged the edges with Kiwi Kiss Ink and mounted it to the card with foam dimensionals. I used my hole punch to make the centers of the flowers using Chocolate Chip Card Stock. I also used this Amy Butler designer paper - both to give the illusion of the holes on some of the scarves.

The sentiment is from a set called A Time of Caring by H&M Stamps and you can find it here:

This card will be going postal to a fellow Split Coast Stamper who is having some surgery this week. Thanks for another wonderful inspiration challenge Stef!

Stamps: H&M A time of Caring (sentiment set)
Paper: Vintage Cream, Spring Moss: PTI, Choc Chip: SU, DP - K&Co Amy Butler
Ink: Kiwi Kiss: SU, Dark Chocolate: PTI
Accessories: Flower Punch: Martha Stewart, circle punch & Curly label punch: SU, ribbon: Amuse, foam dimensionals, sponge

And a parting shot - today I attended an Amuse Cupcake Card Stamping Class at the Papertree Store in Manchester, NH - run by not only the owner of Amuse - Linda (on the right below) - but also the wild and crazy Julie Ebersole (on the left below) who many of you know from Split Coast as well as for her work as an Amuse card designer and instructor. What a fun class we had - I'll have more pics to share with you tomorrow!

I (that's me in the middle!) made each of them a little paper LL Bean Bag decorated with the Amuse Christmas VW stamp as a thank you for coming to NH and running the class. KathyC (from Split Coast) was also attending (hey Kathy!)

Thanks so much for coming by today!


  1. What fun cards!! And it looks like you had a great time at the class!

  2. Lovely! and what fun it looks like you had!

  3. Great cards. Especially love your card for today's inspiration.
    Lucky you to attend the Amuse class! Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures!

  4. FABulous cards...Woo Hoo for A Muse...Linda and Julie!

  5. what fun, Julia to get to inky fingers with Julie and Linda. Now fess up what goodies just had to come home with you?!!!

    Your IC card was perfect for those beautiful felts. You just nailed the colors and the dimension adds so much.

    I've missed 'seeing' you, I stepped into the Cabaret and didn't want to leave the VSN! What a blast.

  6. Neat take on the inspiration piece-great card.

    Great to see what you and Julie look like outside of your blog pics. tfs

  7. Fantastic cards - I love the baby stamp set, and it works lovely on this sketch. And those dimensional flowers on the 2nd card are way cool!

    Great picture - sounds like you guys had a great time!!
    hugs, Jami

  8. Wow, your cards are just gorgeous! How fun to get to attend that class. Sounds like a fun time!!!

  9. Awesome cards Julia!! And how fun to participate in an Amuse stamp get together. Looks like you had an awesome time.

  10. The baby card is so sweet! I really love the scarf inspired card though...the popped up flowers are gorgeous!

  11. Hi Julia,
    Hey, it's Kathyc with a K!!!! Is that the photo I took of you and Julie and Linda? What a relief that it came out great! I was a little shaky after that delicious cupcake! I need to upload my pics too. I made my cupcake cards when I got home. LOVE THEM! Your inspiration card from the scarves is Da Bomb!!!

  12. How creative with the really cute Baby card and the one you did from the colored felt scarfs is just really lovely. I just really like what you did with the flowers and the brads.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia