
Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Winners and Basic Plaid for Christmas

I apologize for posting so late today with the winners of the blog candy - I had a busy day and just got home - so without further ado - I had 74 comments on the blog candy posting last night and the Random Interger software chose # 64 as the first winner and #4 as the second winner.

So this 1st package will be going out to #64 dpkennedy who said:

dpkennedy said...
Hi Julia! Great cookie card! I promise to link your blog candy to my blog...I have to get a post up there soon!! Congrats on 40,000-woo hoo!!!

and this package below will be going out to #4 Anne who said:
Anne said...
Oh my gosh, the scenery in them thar parts is breathtaking!! Wow, I haven't seen anything like that around here!! I'm dieing for the instructions to that darling backpack GF!! You can count on me casing it and posting to my blog as a homage to you!! Meanwhile, may you have 40,000 more posts regulary and more blog candy!! LOL!! Big giant hugs!
So e-mail me your addy's ladies (see e-mail in right column) and I'll get these off to you pronto! I'm sorry you all couldn't have won - I appreciate each and every one of you who comes by here and especially those who leave comments so I can visit you also!

Now onto a card!
I made this one for the Mad for Plaid Challenge on Split coast where we had to use plaid on our card. I used Kraft for my card base and Basic Grey Two Scoops plaid for my background and just stamped the sentiment from Papertrey Ink right on it.

I was going for the simple homespun look. I added a punched snowflake (Martha Steward) and brad (Making Memories) . Then I just tied the ribbon (Stampin Up) around the top. This will most likely be one of my Christmas cards this year as I like how it looks and it was really quick in getting together!

I've been meaning to get started on my Christmas cards - so this was the day!

Stamps: Holiday Wishes: Papertrey Ink
Paper: Kraft, Wild Wasabi: SU, DP Basic Grey Two Scoops
Ink: Onyx Black Versafine, Craft White: SU
Accessories: sponge, snowflake punch: Martha Stewart, Wild Wasabi striped grosgrain Ribbon: SU, brad: Making Memories, foam dimensionals


  1. Love this card! I love plaid DP; the snowflake and perfectly matched ribbon are perfect embellishments. Perfect sentiment too!

  2. I love it! The plaid is so just makes the card :)

  3. Beautiful card. That is the perfect Christmas plaid!

  4. Congrats to the winners!! Lovely card Julia!!

  5. Congrats to the lucky winners!!
    Great plaid card - love how you stamped the sentiment right onto the DP!!
    hugs, Jami

  6. Oh my Julia I love this Plaid christmas card such a neat idea. Wow you gave away som fantastic card candy, I just adore Basic Grey and K & Co.

  7. A-dorable plaid holiday card Julia...I LOVE it.

  8. What a gorgeous plaid Christmas card! Love that Snowflake Poinsettia~too~!

  9. Oooh, thanks! I am so excited to get this great blog candy! Your card is so pretty! I love plaid-it's so classic for Christmas too! Thanks again Julia!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia