
Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Turtle Parade!

I'm SO Excited - my SCS friend Patricia is Featured Stamper over on SCS today - Congrats Patricia!!! She has a super gallery! I chose this card to CASE. (Copy and share with edits)
I changed the size (mine is 3 1/4 x 6 1/2) and stamps but used the line of animals and zig zag stitch and rainbow ink pad. I just swiped the ink pad over the white card stock several times you could also use a brayer for this. The zig zag 'stitching' is done with a stamp by Hero Arts - I had white thread in my machine and didn't want to take the time to switch to black!! (I know -lazy, lazy!!!)
The cute turtle is from Pond Friends by Artful Inkables look how you can see his sweet feet swimming under the water - and what a great little face!! I punched two flowers and layered them together for the sentiment.
Please forgive the short post tonight! I have to go watch the closing ceremony of the Olympics!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Stamps: Pond Friends - Artful Inkables, zig zag - Hero Arts
Paper: lavendar lace, certainly celery - SU, white - PTI
Ink: Colorbox rainbow Atlantis, onyx black versafine
Accessories: twine, flower punch, foam dimensionals, prismacolor markers


  1. OMG I love this set. Your coloring is wonderful.

    Hugs Pam

  2. Cute with a capital 'Q!!!' Love this, Julia!!

  3. What a fun card! I thought that was real stitching! Cool stamp! I was glued to the ceremony last night also! Nice to see all of our money spend on 'Made in China' products being put to good use - tee hee! The fireworks were my favorite.

  4. This is so cute and adorable! Love the way you created the "pond"...beautiful colours!

  5. Super cute Julia! Love the stitching; it looks like the real thing!

  6. How precious they are! Gotta love those little guys and your whole design is wonderful!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia