
Monday, August 18, 2008

Enjoy Yourself with a Fizzy Bath

I made this fun little acetate box for the Try a New Technique Challenge over on Split Coast - you can see the directions here.I used a different pattern for the top and bottom than in the instructions - I just cut a 3 inch square and scored it 1/2 inch on each side - like the top on the 3x3 box in last weeks Splitcoast Weekly Inkling seen here:

I thought it came out a little neater. I put eyelets on the punched holes on the cover to add sturdiness and tied knots on the inside ends of the ribbon. The cover slides up the ribbon when you open it.

A lot of people filled their boxes with candies (Yum!) - but I chose to put Bath Fizzy Balls in mine! I got them at Target in the $1 bin a while ago. You can see everyone's fun acetate boxes here.The cute dragonfly is from the 'Thought I'd Bug You' set from Artful Inkables . I stamped the wings on a scrap, colored them with my Copics and attached them to the main image with foam dimensionals. I added the dew drops to go along with the water bath theme!

The circles are cut with my Nestabilities. I put two bath fizzy balls inside my box.

You can purchase this set here: Kristin is offering free shipping on orders over $35.00 for the month of August so hop over there to take advantage of this savings!

I think this would be a fun little gift to give someone don't you?!? and I'm so pleased with how it came out!

Thanks so much for coming by!

Stamps: Thought I'd Bug You & basic Salutations: Artful Inkables
Paper: Acetate card stock, Very Vanilla, WIld Wasabi: SU, DP: basic grey - Mellow
Ink: Onyx black versafine, wild wasabi
Accessories: sponge, brown gingham ribbon - Michaels, bath fizzies - target, eyelets, cropadile, dew drops, oval punches, circle nestabilities, cuttlebug, tacky tape, copics


  1. So loving this beauty! I actually thought about giving this a try but only had 1 sad transparency sheet left and it didn't look too good! Hope to get to Staple's tomorrow! Thanks for looking out for all of your Sister Ink Girls!

  2. this is great! I've got to try one some time.

  3. Fantastic box! Love the fizzy bath ball...I could use one about now! Love that dragonfly too-great job!!

  4. Wonderful design, Julia! Love the colors!!

  5. Loved the box...very clever and very gorgeous. Loved the colors and the dragonfly is just the right touch. Fabulous!

  6. lovely box Julia! love the dp! Love the bath fix too!

  7. Oh I love this!!! What a great gift idea! And so pretty with that dp! I've got to try making one of these and have some little toiletries too!!

  8. This is the bomb! It is perfectly done. I really admire your talent. Working with acetate is difficult!

  9. This is absolutely gorgeous!! Love the colors!

  10. beautiful box Julia! The color just pop right out at me.. I love the sentiment.. perfect with the fizzy bath balls.

  11. What an adorable box! Love the image on the front and the dp is just yummy!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia