
Monday, July 28, 2008

A Primary Color Coaster Photo Album

Hi everyone! I'm so glad you came by to see my fun little photo album project!

I made this for Carole's DTGD (Dare to Get Dirty) challenge over on Split Coast to use real red, brilliant blue and yo yo yellow on your card. I NEVER use these primary colors!! (at least not together!) and if I think of them I think of little kids and elementary school! - so I decided to make a little photo album out of two 5 3/8 inch by 3 7/8 inch coasters and my Bind It all.I used this fun alphabet designer paper for the covers and this wonderful stamp from the Crafty Secrets 'Story of Me' set that I've had for ages and NEVER INKED yet!! I stamped my image on white, colored it with copics and layered it on red, yellow and blue. I sponged the edges of the covers with Brilliant Blue ink.

I used 3/4 inch Zutter white wire for the binding to be sure to leave enough room for the extra width of pictures that will be added later.

I used real red, yo yo yellow and ballet blue (I had no Brilliant blue) card stock for the pages cut slightly smaller - 5 x 3 1/2.
For the inside of my album I cut a nestability scalloped rectangle and stamped a label from Label Classics to cover the ends of the ribbons as well as provide a place to write in the contents of the album or dates or names etc!

Well - despite using colors I wouldn't usually grab - I do like my little project that I ended up with!! and that's what challenges are all about right?!!

Stamps: Crafty secrets: Story of Me, inside book: Label classics: SU
Paper: ballet blue, real red, yo yo yellow: SU White: PTI, DP: Autumn Leaves
Ink: Brilliant Blue, onyx black versafine
Accessories: Scotch quick dry adhesive, sponge, coasters, cuttlebug & folders, nestability scalloped rectangle (inside) dotted blue grosgrain ribbon: Michaels, red striped grosgrain ribbon: SU, copics, bind it all, 3/4 zutter wires, corner rounder, sanding block


  1. Very cute, Julia, this is one of my FAV images. It looks great in primary colors, too!

  2. LeAnne's right, it does look GREAT in these colors!! I almost chose this in your FS challenge because I liked it so much.

  3. This is fabulous, Julia!!!

    I'm not a big primary color gal either, but you've made 'em look fresh, fun, and sooo cheerful here! Might have to rethink the whole primary color thang ...

    ~Hugs, Deb

  4. Neat project Julia. Love the cover image; it's soooo cute!

  5. Julia...your project is perfect for these colors...I would never have thought of this, but I love it!

  6. This is too cute, Julia! I absolutely love the primary colors with this project!

  7. OMGosh, this is SUPER cute! I think of elementary school with these colors too, and this little album really hits the spot--It's darling down to the last letter of the alphabet, hehe! I love it, tfs it! Now, I must tell you I'm SO sorry for missing this weeks Featured Stamper--of all the weeks to not check-I can't believe I forgot! And it was YOU!! Wow, I'm so happy and not a bit surprised! You are a big ball of creativity and talent and I still have time this week to play in the challenge! Yay! And what an honor to CASE your work, my friend! Congrats, smiles and a big {hug}!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia