
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Window On Spring

Well, here we are at Wednesday - half way to the long Memorial Day weekend here in the US! I was home late from work tonight so I wasn't able to do the sketch challenge over on SCS! I don't remember when I've missed that last! But I did complete this fun window card that I started yesterday.

I made this for the weekly Double Dog Dare Challenge I do with a group of friends on SCS. It was Anne's (Itsapassion) turn to give the challenge. Her instruction was to use a window or door on your card.

I just love this great curtained window stamp from Alotarubberstamps - and it's just been sitting in my drawer since I bought it - never seen ink - so out it came! I decided to cut out the panes and have the window look onto the inside of the card. I paperpieced the curtain and popped it up on dimensionals. I added large brads where the balls of the curtain rod were stamped. You can see this close up here.I colored the frame with an Oatmeal Prismacolor marker. I stamped the window on the Very Vanilla base card - but then realized it needed colors around it - so I cut out the center of a black panel so it wouldn't block the window! and attached that. Then I stamped the window again on the rust designer paper panel, cut along the outside edges of the window, and attached that piece around the original window. Phew! This card is large at 5 1/2 x 5 1/2. I'm going to have to cut out another piece for the inside behind the window as the brad ends show there - but you don't know I didn't do that yet right!!! So we'll pretend it's already done and looking lovely!

Here is the inside of the card where I made clouds using my home made cloud template, (see my post on how I do this here.) sponging soft sky ink over it. Then I colored the flower stamp from Stampin Up's Essence of Love set with my Stampin Up markers in Ruby Red and Old Olive - huffed on the stamp after coloring to keep it moist - and stamped it over the clouds. I stamped the sentiment at the bottom so you don't see it from the outside of the card.

I love my little window scene - don't you? - this challenge made me get creative which is the exact intent! You can see the other ladies window/door challenge cards here.

I so appreciate your stopping by and taking a look at my work!

Today's quote from Poor Richard's Almanack by Ben Franklin: "The doors of Wisdom are never shut."

Stamps: Window: Alotarubberstamps, inside: Essence of Love - SU
Paper: Very Vanilla, Basic Black, floral DP unknown, Rust DP: Sandy Lion - fall
Ink: Onyx Black Versafine, inside: Soft Sky - SU
Accessories: exacto knife, glass cutting sheet, large black brads, dimensionals, Prismacolor marker: Oatmeal, SU markers - Ruby Red, Old Olive, hand made cloud template, sponge


  1. Julia, this is beautiful! What a nice image and a wonderful way to use it!!

  2. What a fabulous image. You created such a pretty scene and love the dimension you gave the curtain. Wonderful card.

  3. I love that stamp! This card is gorgeous! I love the curtain rod brads and the great flower image inside! Fabulous!

  4. This is beautiful! What a great job you did! Love the dimensions!

  5. Wow, Julia!! This ROCKS! I love that curtained window stamp too, and combined with Essence of Love is perfect. So pretty! (I just got the Essence set *today*...Yay!) Awesome job, girl!

  6. Julia, I LOVE your spring window scene!! Beautiful stamping inside and that window with its panes cut out is so sweet. I can't believe you never used it before! Have a great day!

  7. Holy Pajama's, this is awesome!!

  8. What a great window card Julia!! I'm so pleased that you ended up with a great piece!! I love it, your talent is endless!!


  9. Wow, what a beautiful card. That looks like it would be a fun stamp to work with!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia