
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Misting the Flowers for Mother

Hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday! It is just beautiful here today - sunny and 60 degrees but it feels warmer. Yesterday was supposed to be 70 but it never got there and it felt chilly out even in the 60's.

Every Sunday at Split Coast Stampers the challenge is a Featured Stamper - where someone is chosen and we look at their gallery and make a card like it but changing a couple of things.

Today's featured stamper is Sparklegirl. You must check out her gallery! She also has a wonderful blog. Both are just super! I found at least 10 cards that I want to copy but for today I chose this card .

I liked this card for several reasons - first, I just love this stamp set, Essence of Love from Stampin Up - and I recently bought this beautiful Stampin Up ribbon (actually bought it in 4 different colors!) and haven't used it yet - and I also love the Marker Water Misting technique used on this where you color the stamp with your markers, mist the stamp with a water bottle and then stamp it on your card stock. It creates an image that looks sort of like a watercolored painting.

My changes are: I used different colors and a different sentiment (by Darcie) and I didn't add brads beneath the sentiment.

This is a fairly simple card to put together but I think it is just stunning don't you?

So - I also want to let you know about the play I told you we were going to see yesterday. It was called "The Cry of the Reed" . It was quite interesting about a young journalist from the US who goes to Iraq to do some reporting but gets taken hostage and it involves getting in touch with her mother who lives in Turkey and is a devout Muslim (they haven't spoken for 10 years). It showed some interesting viewpoints and was very well acted. We are subscribers to the Huntington Theater - so we see 6 plays a year. It's our 'date night' and we see plays we might not think of going to see otherwise!

Have a great rest of the day - and thanks so much for stopping by!

Stamps: Essence of Love: SU, Sentiment: Darcie's
Paper: PTI White, Pumpkin Pie
Ink: Pumpkin
Accessories: water mister, SU markers Old Olive & Pumpkin Pie, dimensionals, Ribbon: SU,
Techniques: marker water misting


  1. Great card, Julia! I haven't tried that technique yet!! I am so predictable, I keep doing the same thing over & over!

  2. Julia, your card is so pretty. Great stamp set.

    Neat to have a "date night" now and then; the play sounds interesting. tfs

    Bev J. (Maxell on SCS)

  3. Julia, this is just gorgeous!!

    I have tagged you on my blog for a silly game!!

  4. Simple, yet gorgeous! Love this card! Perfect for Mother's Day :)

  5. This is so pretty! You did good! I haven't seen her gallery yet but I'm off to do that now!

  6. it's pretty sweet and simple. :)

    Puyallup flowers

  7. FABulous job! Love the pumpkin pie!

  8. This is SO pretty! Gorgeous case!

  9. Fabulous card very pretty, love this with the different colors! Mine comes in 4 days!

  10. What a beautiful card! I love the orange...striking! The watercolored flowers are so pretty!
    Funny, my DH and I are members of our local music theater which is most famous for jazz and blues (our favorite) and sometimes other artists...and it's also in Huntington! Of course not the same one you're in but I found that amusing!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment - I really appreciate it! Julia